Package 'Ecfun'

Title: Functions for 'Ecdat'
Description: Functions and vignettes to update data sets in 'Ecdat' and to create, manipulate, plot, and analyze those and similar data sets.
Authors: Spencer Graves [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Spencer Graves <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=2)
Version: 0.3-7
Built: 2025-02-25 05:18:58 UTC

Help Index

Draw arrows between pairs of points.


Generalizes graphics::arrows to allow all arguments to be vectors. (As of R 3.1.0, only the first component of the length argument is used by graphics::arrows; others are ignored without a warning.)


Arrows(x0, y0, x1 = x0, y1 = y0, length = 0.25, angle = 30,
       code = 2, col = par("fg"), lty = par("lty"),
       lwd = par("lwd"), warnZeroLength=FALSE, ...)


x0, y0, x1, y1, length, angle, code, col, lty, lwd, ...

as for arrows.


Issue a warning for zero length arrow? arrow does; skip if FALSE.


1. Put all arguments in a data.frame to force them to shared length.

2. Call arrows once for each row.


Spencer Graves

See Also



## 1. Simple example: 
##    3 arrows, the first with length 0 is suppressed 
plot(1:3, type='n')
Arrows(1, 1, c(1, 2, 2), c(1, 2:3), col=1:3, length=c(1, .2, .6))

## 2.  with an NA
plot(1:3, type='n')
Arrows(1, 1, c(1, 2, 2), c(1, 2, NA), col=1:3, length=c(1, .2, .6))

Date from a number of days since the start of 1970.


as.Date.numeric requires origin to be specified. The present function assumes that this origin is January 1, 1970.


as.Date1970(x, ...)



a numeric vector of dates in days since the start of 1970.


optional arguments to pass to as.Date.


Returns a vector of Dates


Spencer Graves

See Also

as.Date as.POSIXct1970


days <- c(0, 1, 365)
Dates <- as.Date1970(days)

all.equal(c('1970-01-01', '1970-01-02', '1971-01-01'),

all.equal(days, as.numeric(Dates))

Coerce to numeric dropping commas and info after a blank


For asNumericChar, delete leading blanks and a leading dollar sign plus commas (thousand separators) and drop information after a blank (other than leading blanks), then coerce to numeric or to factors, Dates, or POSIXct as desired.

For a data.frame, apply asNumericChar to all columns and drop columns except those in keep, ignore, factors, Dates, POSIX and MSdates.

Then order the rows by the orderBy column. Some Excel imports include commas as thousand separators; this replaces any commas with char(0), ”, before trying to convert to numeric.

Similarly, if "%" is found as the last character in any field, drop the percent sign and divide the resulting numeric conversion by 100 to convert to proportion.

Also, some character data includes footnote references following the year.

For example Table F-1 from the US Census Bureau needs all three of these numeric conversion features: It needs orderBy, because the most recent year appears first, just the opposite of most other data sets where the most recent year appears last. It has footnote references following a character string indicating the year. And it includes commas as thousand separators.


asNumericChar(x, leadingChar='^\\$', 
    suppressChar=',', pctChar='%$', 
    class.=NULL, format.=NULL)
asNumericDF(x, keep=
  orderBy=NA, ignore=NULL, factors=NULL, 
  Dates=NULL, POSIX=NULL, MSdates=NULL, 
  format.=NULL, leadingChar='^\\$', 
  suppressChar=',', pctChar='%$')



For asNumericChar, this is a character vector to be converted to numeric after gsub(',', '', x).

For asNumericDF, this is a data.frame with all character columns to be converted to numerics.


something to indicate which columns to keep, in addition to columns specified in ignore, factors, Dates, and POSIX.


Which columns to order the rows of x[, keep] by. Default is to keep the input order.


vector identifying columns of x to ignore, i.e., to keep and not attempt to convert to another data type.


vector indicating columns of x to convert to factor


vector indicating columns of x to convert using as.Date(, format).


vector indicating columns of x to convert using as.POSIXct(, format).


Desired class of output. Default is numeric.


Character vector of length 1 to pass as argument format to as.Date and / or as.POSIXct for conversion from character.

For Dates, as.Date is first tried with format = '%Y-%m-%d', then with '%Y/%m/%d', '%m-%d-%Y', and '%m/%d/%Y'. The conversion with the fewest NAs is kept. If two match for numbers of NAs, the one with the minimum absolute deviations from as.Date1970(0) is used.


The names or numbers identifying columns of x identifying dates as integer numbers of days since 1899-12-31. In Microsoft Excel, dates are stored in that format.


A regular expression passed to grep and sub to replace something like an initial dollar sign with character(0).


a regular expression passed to gsub to replace all occurrences of something like "," (a thousands separator in the U.S.) with character(0).


A regular expression passed to grep to identify percent columns. pctChar is then passed to sub to replace pctChar with character(0), and the converted numbers are then divided by 100 to convert them to proportions.


For asNumericChar:

1. Replace commas by nothing

2. strsplit on ' ' and take only the first part, thereby eliminating the footnote references.

3. Replace any blanks with NAs

4. as.numeric

for asNumericDF:

1. Copy x to X.

2. Confirm that ignore, factors, Dates, and POSIX all refer to columns of x and do not overlap. [*** NOTE: as of 2016-07-21, these checks have only been implemented for ignore.]

3. Convert factors, Dates, and POSIX.

4. Apply asNumericChar to all columns not in ignore, factors, Dates, or POSIX.

5. Keep columns specified by keep.

6. return the result.


a data.frame


Spencer Graves


"Add (sum) or subtract dates; Applies To: Excel 2013". Microsoft. (accessed 2016-08-11)

See Also

scan gsub Quotes stripBlanks as.numeric, factor, as.Date, as.POSIXct read.xlsx


## 1.  an example 
(xDate <- as.Date('1970-01-01')+c(0, 365))
(xPOSIX <- as.POSIXct(xDate)+c(1, 99))
xMSdate <- as.Date(1, 
(fakeF1 <- data.frame(yr=c('1948', 
            '1947 (1)'),
      q1=c(' 1,234 ', ''), duh=rep(NA, 2), 
      dol=c('$1,234', ''), 
      pct=c('1%', '2%'), 
      xDate=format(xDate, '%Y-%m-%d'), 
      xPOSIX=format(xPOSIX, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 
      xMSdate=2:3, junk=c('this is',
# This converts the last 3 columns to NAs and drops them:

str(nF1.1 <- asNumericChar(fakeF1$yr))
str(nF1.2 <- asNumericChar(fakeF1$q1))
str(nF1.3 <- asNumericChar(fakeF1$duh))
(nF1.4 <- asNumericChar('1969-12-31 18:00:01',

(nF1 <- asNumericDF(fakeF1))
(nF2 <- asNumericDF(fakeF1, Dates=6, 
    ignore=c('junk', 'xPOSIX'), 
# check 
nF1. <- data.frame(yr=
      pct=c(.01, .02), xMSdate=2:3)

nF1c <- data.frame(yr=1948:1947, 
      q1=c(1234, NA), dol=c(1234, NA), 
      pct=c(.01, .02), xMSdate=2:3)

all.equal(nF1, nF1.)

all.equal(nF1., nF1c)

## 2.  as.Date default example
  xD <- asNumericChar(
    as.character(xDate), class.='Date')

  all.equal(xDate, xD)

## 3.  as.POSIXct default example 
(xPOSIXch <- as.character(xPOSIX))
(xP <- asNumericChar(xPOSIXch, class.='POSIXct'))
attr(xPOSIX, 'tzone')
attr(xP, 'tzone')
# R-Devel after 4.2.1 breaks earlier code; fix
if(is.null(attr(xPOSIX, 'tzone')))
    attr(xPOSIX, 'tzone') <- attr(xP, 'tzone')
(dP <- difftime(xPOSIX, xP, units='secs'))
(madP <- max(abs(as.numeric(dP))))

#all.equal(xPOSIX, xP)
# As of 2022-10-06 I don't know how to write code
# that will get a consistent answer with 
# different version R-devel with differences
# less than an hour
  madPmsg <- paste('Discrepancy betw fn and manual comp ', 
       'too large; is ', madP, 'seconds')

## 4.  orderBy=1:2
nF. <- asNumericDF(fakeF1, orderBy=1:2)

all.equal(nF., nF1c[2:1,])

## 5.  Will it work for a tibble?  
  nF1t <- asNumericDF(as_tibble(fakeF1))

  all.equal(nF1, nF1t)


Box-Cox power transformation and its inverse


Box and Cox (1964) considered the following family of transformations indexed by lambda:

w = (y^lambda-1)/lambda

= expm1(lambda*log(y))/lambda,

with the lambda=0 case defined as log(y) to make w continuous in lambda for constant y.

They estimate lambda assuming w follows a normal distribution. This raises a theoretical problem in that y must be positive, which means that w must follow a truncated normal distribution conditioned on lambda*w > (-1).

Bickel and Doksum (1981) removed the restriction to positive y, i.e., to w > (-1/lambda) by modifying the transformation as follows:

w =

(sgn(y)*abs(y)^lambda-1)/lambda if lambda != 0 and

sgn(y)*log(abs(y)) if lambda = 0,

where sgn(y) = 1 if y >= 0 and -1 otherwise.

NOTE: sgn(y) is different from sign(y), which is 0 for y = 0. A two-argument update to the sign function in the base package has been added to this Ecfun package, so sign(y, 1) = sgn(y).

If (y<0), this transformation is discontinuous at lambda = 0. To see this, we rewrite this as

w = (sgn(y)*expm1(lambda*log(abs(y))) + (sgn(y)-1)) / lambda

= sgn(y)*(log(abs(y)) + O(lambda) + (sgn(y)-1)/lambda,

where O(lambda) indicates a term that is dominated by a constant times lambda.

If y<0, this latter term (sgn(y)-1)/lambda = (-2)/lambda and becomes Inf as lambda -> 0.

In practice, we assume that y > 0, so this distinction has little practical value. However, the BoxCox function computes the Bickel-Doksum version.

Box and Cox further noted that proper estimation of lambda should include the Jacobian of the transformation in the log(likelihood). Doing this can be achieved by rescaling the transformation with the nth root of the Jacobian, which can be written as follows:

j(y, lambda) = J(y, lambda)^(1/n) = GeometricMean(y)^(lambda-1).

With this the rescaled power transformation is as follows:

z = (y^lambda-1) / (lambda*j(y, lambda) if lambda!=0 or GeometricMean(y)*log(y) if lambda==0.

In addition to facilitating estimation of lambda, rescaling has the advantage that the units of z are the same as the units of y.

The output has class BoxCox, which has attributes that allow the input to be recovered using invBoxCox. The default values of the arguments of invBoxCox are provided by the corresponding attributes of z.


BoxCox(y, lambda, rescale=TRUE, na.rm=rescale) 
  invBoxCox(z, lambda, sign.y, GeometricMean, rescale)



a numeric vector for which the power transform is desired


A numeric vector of length 1 or 2. The first component is the power. If the second component is provided, y is replaced by y+lambda[2].


logical or numeric. If logical:

For BoxCox, this is TRUE to return the power transform with rescale, z, above, and FALSE to return the power transform without the nth root of the Jacobian, w, above. This defaults to TRUE, because this will give z the same units as y.

For invBoxCox, this is TRUE if the input argument z is assumed to have been rescaled by the nth root of the Jacobian of the transformation. This defaults to a rescale attribute of z if present or to TRUE if absent.

If numeric, it is assumed to be the geometric mean of another set of y values to use with new y's.


logical: TRUE to remove NAs from y before computing the geometric mean.

FALSE to compute NA for the geometric mean if any(

NOTE: If na.rm = FALSE, the output will be all NA if rescale = TRUE. This could produce non usable answers in most cases. To avoid that, the default for na.rm is TRUE whenever rescale = TRUE. Conversely, applications using na.rm = FALSE will likely also want rescale = FALSE to avoid returning a non-answer in these cases. This explains the default na.rm = rescale.


a numeric vector or an object of class BoxCox for which the inverse Box-Cox transform is desired.


an optional logical vector giving sign(y-lambda[2]) of the data values that presumably generated z. Defaults to an sign.y attribute of z or to rep(1, length(z)) if no such attribute is present.


an optional numeric scalar giving the geometric mean of the data values that presumably generated z. Defaults to a GeometricMean attribute of z or to 1 if no such attribute is present.


Box and Cox (1964) discussed

w(y, lambda) = (y^lambda - 1)/lambda.

They noted that w is continuous in lambda with w(y, lambda) = log(y) if lambda = 0 (by l'Hopital's rule).

They also discussed

z(y, lambda) = (y^lambda - 1) / (lambda*g^(lambda-1)),

where g = the geometric mean of y.

They noted that proper estimation of lambda should include the Jacobian of w(y, lambda) with the likelihood. They further showed that a naive normal likelihood using z(y, lambda) as the response without a Jacobian is equivalent to the normal likelihood using w(y, lambda) adjusted appropriately using the Jacobian. See Box and Cox (1964) or the Wikipedia article on "Power transform".

Bickel and Doksum (1981) suggested adding sign(y) to the transformation, as discussed above.


Consider the Bickel and Doksum version described above:

w <- (sign(y)*abs(y)^lambda-1)/lambda

if(any(y==0)), GeometricMean(y) = 0. This creates a problem with the above math.

Let ly = log(abs(y)). Then with la = lambda,

w = (sign(y)*exp(la*ly)-1)/la

= sign(y) * ly * (1+(la*ly/2) * (1+(la*ly/3)*(1+(la*ly/4)*(1+O(la*ly))))) + (sign(y)-1)/la

For y>0, the last term is zero. boxcox ignores cases with y<=0 and uses this formula (ignoring the final O(la*ly)) whenever abs(la) <= eps = 1/50. That form is used here also.

For invBoxCox a complementary analysis is as follows:

abs(y+lambda[2]) = abs(1+la*w)^(1/la)

= exp(log1p(la*w)/la) for abs(la*w)<1

= w * (1-la*w * ((1/2)-la*w * ((1/3)-la*w*(1/4-...))))


BoxCox returns an object of class BoxCox, being a numeric vector of the same length as y with the following optional attributes:


the value of lambda used in the transformation


sign(y) (or sign(y-lambda[2]) lambda[2] is provided and if any of these quantities are negative. Otherwise, this is omitted and all are assumed to be positive.


logical: TRUE if z(y, lambda) is returned rescaled by g^(lambda-1) with g = the geometric mean of y

and FALSE if z(y, lambda) is not so rescaled.


If rescale is numeric, attr(., 'GeometricMean') <- rescale.

Otherwise, attr(., 'GeometricMean') is the Geometric mean of abs(y) = exp(mean(log(abs(y)))) or of abs(y+lambda[2]) if(length(lambda)>1).

invBoxCox returns a numeric vector, reconstructing y from BoxCox(y, ...).


Bickel, Peter J., and Doksum, Kjell A. (1981) "An analysis of transformation revisited", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76 (374): 296-311

Box, George E. P.; Cox, D. R. (1964). "An analysis of transformations", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 26 (2): 211-252.

Box, George E. P.; Cox, D. R. (1982). "An analysis of transformations revisited, rebutted", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77(377): 209-210.


Wikipedia, "Power transform"

See Also

boxcox in the MASS package

quine in the MASS package for data used in an example below.

boxcox and boxcoxCensored in the EnvStats package.

boxcox.drc in the drc package.

boxCox in the car package.

These other uses all wrap the Box-Cox transformation in something larger and do not give the transformation itself directly.


## 1.  A simple example to check the two algorithms 
Days <- 0:9
bc1 <- BoxCox(Days, c(0.01, 1))
# Taylor expansion used for obs 1:7; expm1 for 8:10 

# check 
GM <- exp(mean(log(abs(Days+1))))

bc0 <- (((Days+1)^0.01)-1)/0.01
bc1. <- (bc0 / (GM^(0.01-1)))  
# log(Days+1) ranges from 0 to 4.4 
# lambda = 0.01 will invoke both the obvious
# algorithm and the alternative assumed to be 
# more accurate for (lambda(log(y)) < 0.02).  
attr(bc1., 'lambda') <- c(0.01, 1)  
attr(bc1., 'rescale') <- TRUE 
attr(bc1., 'GeometricMean') <- GM 
class(bc1.) <- 'BoxCox'

all.equal(bc1, bc1.)

## 2.  another simple example with lambda=0
bc0.4 <- BoxCox(1:5, 0)
GM5 <- prod(1:5)^.2
bc0.4. <- log(1:5)*GM5
attr(bc0.4., 'lambda') <- 0  
attr(bc0.4., 'rescale') <- TRUE 
attr(bc0.4., 'GeometricMean') <- GM5 
class(bc0.4.) <- 'BoxCox'

all.equal(bc0.4, bc0.4.)

bc0.4e9 <- BoxCox(1:5, .Machine$double.eps)
bc0.4ex <- log(1:5)*exp(mean(log(1:5)))

all.equal(bc0.4ex, as.numeric(bc0.4e9))

# now invert:  

bc0.4i <- invBoxCox(bc0.4.)

all.equal(1:5, bc0.4i)

all.equal(1:5, invBoxCox(bc0.4e9))

## 3.  The "boxcox" function in the MASS package 
##     computes a maximum likelihood estimate with  
##     BoxCox(Days+1, lambda=0.21) 
##     with a 95 percent confidence interval of 
##     approximately (0.08, 0.35)
bcDays1 <- BoxCox(MASS::quine$Days, c(0.21, 1))

# check 
GeoMean <- exp(mean(log(abs(MASS::quine$Days+1))))

bcDays1. <- ((((MASS::quine$Days+1)^0.21)-1) / 
# log(Days+1) ranges from 0 to 4.4 
attr(bcDays1., 'lambda') <- c(0.21, 1)  
attr(bcDays1., 'rescale') <- TRUE 
attr(bcDays1., 'GeometricMean') <- GeoMean 
class(bcDays1.) <- 'BoxCox'

all.equal(bcDays1, bcDays1.)

iDays <- invBoxCox(bcDays1)

all.equal(iDays, MASS::quine$Days)

## 4.  Easily computed example 
bc2 <- BoxCox(c(1, 4), 2)

# check 
bc2. <- (c(1, 4)^2-1)/4
attr(bc2., 'lambda') <- 2
attr(bc2., 'rescale') <- TRUE 
attr(bc2., 'GeometricMean') <- 2 
class(bc2.) <- 'BoxCox'

all.equal(bc2, bc2.)

all.equal(invBoxCox(bc2), c(1, 4))

## 5.  plot(BoxCox())
y0 <- seq(-2, 2, .1)
z2 <- BoxCox(y0, 2, rescale=FALSE)
plot(y0, z2)

# check 
z2. <- (sign(y0)*y0^2-1)/2

attr(z2., 'lambda') <- 2
attr(z2., 'sign.y') <- sign(y0, 1)
attr(z2., 'rescale') <- FALSE 
attr(z2., 'GeometricMean') <- 0
class(z2.) <- 'BoxCox'

all.equal(z2, z2.)

all.equal(invBoxCox(z2), y0)

Split a character string where a capital letter follows a lowercase letter


Split a character string where a capital letter follows a lowercase letter.


camelParse(x, except=c('De', 'Mc', 'Mac'))



a character vector


character vector giving exceptions: If any of these are found, ignore and look for the next one


Find all places where a lowercase letter is followed by a capital.

Split on those points


list of character vectors


Spencer Graves

See Also



tst <- c('Smith, JohnJohn Smith',
         'EducationNational DefenseOther Committee',
         'McCain, JohnJohn McCain')
tst. <- camelParse(tst)

all.equal(tst., list(c('Smith, John', 'John Smith'),
    c('Education', 'National Defense', 'Other Committee'),
    c('McCain, John', 'John McCain') ) )

Can a variable reasonably be coerced to numeric?


Can seq be reasonably applied to x? Returns TRUE if yes and FALSE otherwise.

We'd like to use this with, for example, date-time objects in as.Date and as.POSIXct formats. However, as.numeric of such objects is FALSE. Moreover, as.numeric of factors is TRUE.

The current algorithm (which may change in the future) returns TRUE if (mode(x) == 'numeric') & (!('levels' %in% names(attributes(x)))).





an R object


A logical as described above.


Spencer Graves

See Also



## Examples adapted from "mode"
cex4 <- c('letters[1:4]', "as.Date('2014-01-02')", 
  'factor(letters[1:4])', "NULL", "1", "1:1", "1i", 
  "list(1)", "data.frame(x = 1)","pairlist(pi)", 
  "c", "lm", "formals(lm)[[1]]",  "formals(lm)[[2]]",
  "y ~ x","expression((1))[[1]]", "(y ~ x)[[1]]",
  "expression(x <- pi)[[1]][[1]]")
lex4 <- sapply(cex4, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))
mex4 <- t(sapply(lex4, function(x) 
    c(typeof(x), storage.mode(x), mode(x), canbeNumeric(x))))
dimnames(mex4) <- list(cex4, 
    c("typeof(.)","storage.mode(.)","mode(.)", 'canbeNumeric(x)'))

# check 
mex. <- as.character(as.logical(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, rep(0, 12))))
names(mex.) <- cex4

all.equal(mex4[,4], mex.)

Check and return names


Check and return names. If names are not provided or are not unique, write a message and return make.names consistent with warn and unique.


checkNames(x, warn=0, unique=TRUE, 
   message0=head(deparse(substitute(x), 25), 2), ...)



an R object suitable for names


Numeric code for how to treat problems, consistent with the argument warn in options: Negative to ignore, 0 to save and print later, 1 to print as they occur, 2 or greater to convert to errors.


logical: TRUE to check that names(x) are unique. Fix any duplicates with make.names.


a vector of regular expressions to avoid adding in the output of make.names with a companion replacement when found.

Thus, length(avoid) must be a nonnegative even integer, with avoid[2*j-1] providing the pattern for regexpr and sub, and avoid[2*j] providing the replacement. See the second example.


Base to prepend to any message


optional arguments for make.names


1. namex <- names(x)

2. Check per warn and unique

3. Return an appropriate version of namex


a character vector of the same length as x. If any problem is found, this character vector will have an attribute message describing the problem found. Message checking considers unique but ignores warn.


Spencer Graves

See Also

names make.names options for warn


## 1.  standard operation with no names 
tst1 <- checkNames(1:2)

# check 
tst1. <- make.names(character(2), unique=TRUE)
attr(tst1., 'message') <- paste(
  "1:2:  names = NULL; returning", 
  "make.names(character(length(x))), TRUE)")

all.equal(tst1, tst1.)

## 2.  avoid=c('\\.0$', '\\.1$')
tst2 <-checkNames(1:2, 
    avoid=c('\\.0$', '.2', 
            '\\.1$', '.3') )

# check 
tst2. <-c('X', 'X.3')
attr(tst2., 'message') <- paste(
  "1:2:  names = NULL; returning", 
  "make.names(character(length(x))), TRUE)")

all.equal(tst2, tst2.)

Convert class to an integer 1-8 and vice versa


classIndex converts the class of x to an integer:

  1. NULL

  2. logical

  3. integer

  4. numeric

  5. complex

  6. raw

  7. character

  8. other

index2class converts an integer back to the corresponding class.


index2class(i, otherCharacter=TRUE)



an object whose class index is desired.


an integer to be converted to the name of the corresponding class


logical: TRUE to convert 8 to "character"; FALSE to convert 8 to "other".


The Writing R Extensions lists six different kinds of "atomic vectors": logical, integer, numeric, complex, character, and raw: See also Wickham (2013, section on "Atomic vectors" in the chapter on "Data structures"). These form a standard hierarchy, except for "raw", in that standard operations combining objects with different atomic classes will create an object of the higher class. For example, TRUE + 2 + pi returns a numeric object ((approximately 6.141593). Similarly, paste(1, 'a') returns the character string "1 a".

For "interpolation", we might expect users interpolating between objects of class "raw" (i.e., bytes) might most likely prefer "Numeric" to "Character" interpolation, coerced back to type "raw".

The index numbers for the classes run from 1 to 8 to make it easy to convert them back from integers to character strings.


classIndex returns an integer between 1 and 7 depending on class(x).

index2class returns a character string for the inverse transformation.


Spencer Graves


Wickham, Hadley (2014) Advanced R, especially Wickham (2013, section on "Atomic vectors" in the chapter on "Data structures").

See Also



## 1.  classIndex
x1 <- classIndex(NULL)
x2 <- classIndex(logical(0))
x3 <- classIndex(integer(1))
x4 <- classIndex(numeric(2))
x5 <- classIndex(complex(3))
x6 <- classIndex(raw(4))
x7 <- classIndex(character(5))
x8 <- classIndex(list())

# check 

all.equal(c(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8), 1:8)

## 2.  index2class 
c1 <- index2class(1)
c2 <- index2class(2)
c3 <- index2class(3)
c4 <- index2class(4)
c5 <- index2class(5) 
c6 <- index2class(6) 
c7 <- index2class(7)
c8 <- index2class(8)
c8o <- index2class(8, FALSE)

# check 

all.equal(c(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c8o), 
          c('NULL', 'logical', 'integer', 'numeric', 
            'complex', 'raw', 'character', 'character', 

Compare the lengths of two objects


Issue a warning or error if the lengths of two objects are not compatible.


compareLengths(x, y, 
   name.x=deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff, 
      nlines=1, ...), 
   name.y=deparse(substitute(y), width.cutoff, 
      nlines=1, ...), 
   message0='', compFun=c('NROW', 'length'), 
   action=c(compatible='', incompatible='warning'), 
   length0=c('compatible', 'incompatible', 'stop'), 
   width.cutoff=20, ...)


x, y

objects whose lengths are to be compared

name.x, name.y

names of x and y to use in a message. Default = deparse(substitute(.), width.cutoff, nlines=1).


character string to be included with name.x and name.y in a message.


function to use in the comparison.


A character vector of length 2 giving the names of functions to call if the lengths are not equal but are either 'compatible' or 'incompatible'; ” means no action.


If length(x) or length(y) = 0 (but not both), treat this case as specified by length0.


width.cutoff argument to pass to deparse. This gives the maximum number of characters to use in a name in error and warning messages.


optional arguments for deparse


1. If nchar(name.x) = 0 = nchar(name.y), set name.x <- 'x', name.y <- 'y', and append 'in compareLengths:' to message0 for more informative messaging.

2. lenx <-, list(x)); leny <-, list(y))

3. if(lenx==leny)return(c('equal', ''))

4. Compatible?

5. Compose the message.

6. "action", as indicated


A character vector of length 2. The first element is either 'equal', 'compatible' or 'incompatible'. The second element is the message composed.


Spencer Graves with help from Duncan Murdoch

See Also



## 1.  equal 

all.equal(compareLengths(1:3, 4:6), c("equal", ''))

## 2.  compatible 
a <- 1:2
b <- letters[1:6]
comp.ab <- compareLengths(a, b, message0='Chk:') <- compareLengths(b, a, message0='Chk:')
# check 
chk.ab <- c('compatible', 
            'Chk: length(b) = 6 is 3 times length(a) = 2')

all.equal(comp.ab, chk.ab) 

all.equal(, chk.ab) 

## 3.  incompatible 
Z <- LETTERS[1:3]
comp.aZ <- compareLengths(a, Z)
# check 
chk.aZ <- c('incompatible', 
    ' length(Z) = 3 is not a multiple of length(a) = 2')

all.equal(comp.aZ, chk.aZ) 

## 4.  problems with name.x and name.y 
comp.ab2 <- compareLengths(a, b, '', '')
# check 
chk.ab2 <- c('compatible', 
             'in compareLengths: length(y) = 6 is 3 times length(x) = 2')

all.equal(comp.ab2, chk.ab2) 

## 5.  zeroLength 
zeroLen <- compareLengths(logical(0), 1) 
# check 
zeroL <- c('compatible', ' length(logical(0)) = 0')

all.equal(zeroLen, zeroL)

Compare y between newDat and refDat for shared values of x


Compute dy <- (y - yRef) for all cases where x == xRef, where x and y are columns of newDat and xRef and yRef are columns of refDat.

Also compute dyRef <- dy / yRef.

Return silently a data.frame with columns x, y, yRef, dy, and dyRef.

Also if min(yRef)*max(yRef)>0 plot(dyRef) else plot(dy).


compareOverlap(y=2, yRef=y, x=1, 
      xRef=x, newDat, refDat, 
      ignoreCase=TRUE, ...)


y, yRef

columns of newDat, refDat, respectively, to compare, ignoring case in the names unless ignoreCase is FALSE.

x, xRef

columns of newDat, refDat, respectively, to match when comparing y with yRef.

As with y and yRef, ignore case in name matching unless ignoreCase is FALSE.

newDat, refDat

data.frames of new and reference data in which to search for overlap, i.e., common values of newD[, x] and refDat[, xRef], and for those observations to compare newDat[, y] to refDat[, yRef].


logical: If TRUE, ignore case when searching for columns of newDat and refDat to match y, yRef, x, and xRef.


optional arguments to pass to plot


This function is particularly useful for updating datasets that are obtained from sources like the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which publish many series with each update including the most recent 11 years. This function can be used to evaluate the extent of equivalence between, e.g., historical data in refDat with the latest data in newDat.


Invisibly return a data.frame with columns x, paste0(y, 'New'), past0(yRef, 'Ref'), dy, and dyRef of the data compared.


Spencer Graves


nDat <- data.frame(yr=2000:2015, 
rDat <- data.frame(Yr=2018:2011, 
          y=c(17:13, 13:11))
nrDat <- compareOverlap(
  newDat=nDat, refDat=rDat)

# Correct answer
NRdat <- data.frame(yr=2011:2015, 
  YNew=11:15, yRef=c(11:13, 13:14), 
  dy=c(0,0,0, 1, 1), 
  dyRef=c(0,0,0, 1,1) / 
        c(11:13, 13:14))

all.equal(nrDat, NRdat)

Confidence interval for sample variance or standard deviation


Computes the standard normal (i.e., chi-square) confidence intervals for a sample variance or standard deviation.


## S3 method for class 'var'
confint(object, parm, level=0.95, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'sd'
confint(object, parm, level=0.95, ...)



a numeric vector possibly with a df or df.residuals attribute assumed to represent a sample variance, possibly computed as root mean square of residuals from a model.


degrees of freedom in the estimated variance or standard deviation.


the confidence level required


optional arguments not used.


1. If object is not numeric, throw an error.

2. If parm is missing, look for an attribute of object starting with df. If present, use that for parm. If parm is absent or not numeric, throw an error.

3. replicate object, parm, and level to the same length. Issue a warning if the longest is not a multiple of the others.

4. alph2 <- (1-level)/2

5. Qntls <- cbind(lower=qchisq(alph2, parm, lower=FALSE), upper=qchisq(alph2, parm))

6. CI <- (object*parm/Qntls)

7. attr(CI, 'level') <- Level

7. return(CI)


a matrix with columns "lower" and "upper", nrow = the longest of the lengths of object, parm, and level, and an attribute "level".


Spencer Graves


Wikipedia, "Standard deviation", accessed 2016-07-06.

See Also

cor.test, VarCI


## 1.  simple examples 
(CI.v <- confint.var(c(1,1,4), c(1, 9, 9))) 
(CI.s <-,1,2), c(1, 9, 9))) 

# Compare with the examples on Wikipedia

all.equal(CI.s, sqrt(CI.v))

WikipEx <- t(matrix(c(0.45, 31.9, 0.69, 1.83, 1.38, 3.66), 
colnames(WikipEx) <- c('lower', 'upper')

(dCI <- (CI.s-WikipEx))
#Confirm within 2-digit roundoff


## 2.  test df attributes
v <- c(1,1,4)
attr(v, 'df.') <- c(1, 9, 9)
class(v) <- 'var'
vCI <- confint(v)

# check 

all.equal(vCI, CI.v)

s <- sqrt(v)
class(s) <- 'sd'
sCI <- confint(s)

# check 

all.equal(sCI, CI.s)

Allocate a total by year


Allocate total to countByYear for a constant count per day between start and end.


countByYear(start, end, total=1)


start, end

objects of class "Date" specifying the start, end, respectively, of the event


A number to be allocated by year in proportion to the number of days in the event each year.


a numeric vector whose sum is total with names for all the years between start and end


Spencer Graves


## 1.  All in one year
start73 <- as.Date('1973-01-22')
tst1 <- countByYear(start73, start73+99, 123)

# check 
tst1. <- 123
names(tst1.) <- 1973

all.equal(tst1, tst1.)

## 2.  Two years 
tst2 <- countByYear(start73, start73+365, 123) 

# check 
dur <- 366
days1 <- (365-21)
days2 <- 22
tst2. <- 123 * c(days1, days2)/dur 
names(tst2.) <- 1973:1974 

all.equal(tst2, tst2.)

## 3.  Ten years 
tst10 <- countByYear(start73, start73+10*365.2, 123)

# check 
days <- (c(rep(c(rep(365, 3), 366), length=10), 0)
         + c(-21, rep(0, 9), 22) )
tst10. <- 123 * days/(10*365.2+1) 
names(tst10.) <- 1973:1983 

all.equal(tst10, tst10.)

Allocate totals by year


Allocate total to countByYear for a constant count per day between start and end for multiple events.


countsByYear(data, start="Start1", end='End1', 
             total='BatDeath', event='WarName', 
             endNA=max(data[, c(start,end)]))



a data.frame with columns start, end, and total

start, end

columns of data of class Date with start <= end during which total is to be allocated


A quantity to be allocated by year giving a constant rate per day.


name of the event whose total is to be allocated.


Date to use if[, end]).


a numeric matrix whose colSums match total with names for all the years between start and end. The number of columns of the output matrix match the number of rows of data. The colSums match total.


Spencer Graves


## 1.  data.frame(WarName, Start1, End1, BatDeath)
start73 <- as.Date('1973-01-22')
tstWars <- data.frame(WarName=c('short', '2yr', '10yr'), 
    Start1=c(start73, start73+365, start73-365), 
    End1=start73+c(99, 2*365, NA), 
    BatDeath=c(100, 123, 456)) 
## 2.  do
deathsByYr <- countsByYear(tstWars, 

# check 
Counts <- matrix(0, 11, 3, 
    dimnames=list(c(1972:1982), tstWars$WarName) )
Counts['1973', 1] <- 100
Counts[as.character(1974:1975), 2] <- with(tstWars, 
    countByYear(Start1[2], End1[2], BatDeath[2]) )
Counts[as.character(1972:1982), 3] <- with(tstWars, 
    countByYear(Start1[3], start73+9*365.2, BatDeath[3]) )

all.equal(deathsByYr, Counts)

Compose a message as a single substring from a character vector


This is a utility function to make it easier to automatically compose informative error and warning messages without using too many characters.


createMessage(x, width.cutoff=45, default='x', 
      collapse='; ', endchars='...')



input for paste


maximum number of characters from x to return in a single string. This differs from the width.cutoff argument in deparse in that the output included here considers endchars, not part of deparse.


character string to return if nchar(x) = 0.


collapse argument for paste


a character string to indicate that part of the input string(s) was truncated.


x. <- paste(..., collapse='; ') nchx <- nchar(x.) maxch <- (maxchar-nchar(endchars)) if(nchx>maxch){ x2 <- substring(x., 1, maxch) x. <- paste0(x2, endchar) }


a character string with at most width.cutoff characters.


Spencer Graves

See Also

paste substr nchar


## 1.  typical use 
tstVec <- c('Now', 'is', 'the', 'time')
msg <- createMessage(tstVec, 9, collapse=':', 

all.equal(msg, 'Now:is://')

## 2.  in a function 
tstFn <- function(cl)createMessage(deparse(cl), 9)
Cl <- quote(plot(1:3, y=4:6, col='red', main='Title'))
msg0 <- tstFn(Cl)
# check 
msg. <- 'plot(1...'

all.equal(msg0, msg.)

## 3.  default 
y <- createMessage(character(3), default='y') 

all.equal(y, 'y')

Create X to match Y


Return a default object of class index2class(max(classIndex(x), classIndex(y))) and length = length(y).

For example, suppose class(x) == 'numeric', for which classIndex = 4. If class(y) = 'integer', then an object of class 'numeric' is returned. However, if class(y) = 'character', then an object of class 'character' is returned.


createX2matchY(x, y)


x, y

objects of possibly different classes and lengths.


A vector of the same length as y whose class is index2class(max(classIndex(x), classIndex(y))).


Spencer Graves

See Also



## 1.  NULL 
## -
null <- createX2matchY(NULL, NULL)
# check 

all.equal(null, NULL)

## 2.  logical 
lgcl3 <- createX2matchY(NULL, 
           c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))

# check 

all.equal(lgcl3, logical(3))

## 3.  integer
int3 <- createX2matchY(integer(0), 
           c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
# check 

all.equal(int3, integer(3))

## 4.  list -> character
ch3 <- createX2matchY(integer(0), 
         list(a=1, b=2, c=3))
# check 

all.equal(ch3, character(3))

Convert three YMD vectors to a Date


Given a data.frame with 3 columns, assume they represent Year, Month and Day and return a vector of class Date.


Date3to1(data, default='Start')



a data.frame with 3 columns assumed to represent Year, Month and Day.


A character string to indicate how missing months and days should be treated. If the first letter is "S" or "s", the default month will be 1 and the default day will be 1. Otherwise, "End" is assumed, for which the default month will be 12 and the default day will be the last day of the month.

NOTE: Any number outside the range of 1 to the last day of the month is considered missing and its subscript is noted in the optional attribute "missing".


The data sets from the Correlates of War project include dates coded in triples of columns with names like

c("StartMonth1", "StartDay1", "StartYear1", "EndMonth1", ..., "EndYear2").

This function will accept one triple and translate it into a vector of class Date.


Returns an object of class Date with an optional attribute missing giving the indices of any elements with missing months or days, for which a default month or day was supplied.


Spencer Graves

See Also



date.frame <- data.frame(Year=c(NA, -1, 1971:1979), 
      Month=c(1:2, -1, NA, 13, 2, 12, 6:9), 
      Day=c(0, 0:6, NA, -1, 32) )
DateVecS <- Date3to1(date.frame)
DateVecE <- Date3to1(date.frame, "End")
# check 
na <- c(1:5, 9:11)
DateVs <- as.Date(c(NA, NA, 
  '1971-01-01', '1972-01-01', '1973-01-01', 
  '1974-02-04', '1975-12-05', '1976-06-06', 
  '1977-07-01', '1978-08-01', '1979-09-01') ) 
DateVe <- as.Date(c(NA, NA, 
  '1971-12-31', '1972-12-31', '1973-12-31', 
  '1974-02-04', '1975-12-05', '1976-06-06', 
  '1977-07-31', '1978-08-31', '1979-09-30') ) 

attr(DateVs, 'missing') <- na
attr(DateVe, 'missing') <- na

all.equal(DateVecS, DateVs)

all.equal(DateVecE, DateVe)

Identify YMD names in a character vector


grep for YMD (year, month, day) in col.names. Return a named list of integer vectors of length 3 for each triple found.


dateCols(col.names, YMD=c('Year', 'Month', 'Day'))



either a character vector in which to search for names matching YMD or an object with non-null colnames


a character vector of patterns to use in grep to identify triples of columns coding YMD in col.names


The data sets from the Correlates of War project include dates coded in triples of columns with names like c("StartMonth1", "StartDay1", "StartYear1", "EndMonth1", ..., "EndYear2"). This function will find all relevant date triples in a character vector of column names and return a list of integer vectors of length 3 with names like "Start1", "End1", ..., "End2" giving the positions in col.names of the desired date components.


1. if(!is.null(colnames(YMD)))YMD <- colnames(YMD)

2. ymd <- grep for YMD (Year, Month, Day) in col.names.

3. groupNames <- sub pattern with ” in ymd

4. Throw a warning for any groupNames character string that does not appear with all three of Year, Month, and Day.

5. Return a list of integer vectors of length 3 for each triple found.


Returns a named list of integer vectors of length 3 identifying the positions in col.names of the desired date components.


Spencer Graves

See Also



## 1.  character vector 
colNames <- c('war', 'StartMonth1', 
      'StartDay1', 'StartYear1', 
      'EndMonth1', 'EndMonth2', 
      'EndDay2', 'EndYear2', 'Initiator')

colNums <- dateCols(colNames)
# Should issue a warning:  
# Warning message:
# In dateCols(colNames) :
#   number of matches for Year = 2 
#   != number of matches for Month = 3

# check 
colN <- list(Start1=c(Year=4, Month=2, Day=3), 
             End2=c(Year=8, Month=6, Day=7) )

all.equal(colNums, colN)

## 2.  array 
A <- matrix(ncol=length(colNames), 
      dimnames=list(NULL, colNames))

Anums <- dateCols(A)

# check 

all.equal(Anums, colN)

Convert 3-column dates in data to class Date


Return a data.frame with columns of class "Date" replacing all 3-column dates.


Dates3to1(data, YMD=c('Year', 'Month', 'Day'))



a data.frame assumed to include dates coded in three column sets with names matching YMD.


a character vector of length 3 of patterns to use in grep to identify triples of columns coding YMD in col.names(data).


The data sets from the Correlates of War project include dates coded in triples of columns with names like c("StartMonth1", "StartDay1", "StartYear1", "EndMonth1", ..., "EndYear2"). This function will accept a data.frame obtained via read.csv of such a file and replace each such triple with a singe column of class 'Date' combining the triple appropriately.


Return a data.frame containing the information in data reformatted as described above.


Spencer Graves

See Also

dateCols Date3to1


cow0 <- data.frame(rec=1:3, startMonth=4:6, startDay=7:9, 
    startYear=1971:1973, endMonth1=10:12, endDay1=13:15, 
    endYear1=1974:1976, txt=letters[1:3])

cow0. <- Dates3to1(cow0)

# check 
cow0x <- data.frame(rec=1:3, txt=letters[1:3], 
    start=as.Date(c('1971-04-07', '1972-05-08', '1973-06-09')), 
    end1=as.Date(c('1974-10-13', '1975-11-14', '1976-12-15')) )

all.equal(cow0., cow0x)

Functions deleted from the Ecfun package


Several functions were deleted from Ecfun 0.2-5, because they no longer worked, and it was not clear if there was demand for them.

If you need them, you can get the documentation and code for them from CRAN > Packages > Archive (near the bottom center) > Ecfun > Ecfun_0.2-0.tar.gz. I don't expect the code to work. However, I might be willing to collaborate in restoring the functionality to Ecfun.

readFinancialCrisisFiles was a companion to a book. This function required the gdata package, which was scheduled to be removed from CRAN.

USsenateClass called by default readUSsenate. UShouse.senate and mergeUShouse.senate called by default both readUSsenate and readUShouse. The latter two and the remaining functions deleted did web scraping, and the web sites from which they scraped information changed, and it did not seem worth the work required to continue to maintain them.

Extract a named element from an object with a default


Get element name of object. If object does not have an element name, return default.

If the name element of object is NULL the result depends on warn.NULL: If TRUE, issue a warning and return default. Otherwise, return NULL


getElement2(object, name=1, default=NA, 
      warn.NULL=TRUE, envir=list(), returnName)



object from which to extract component name.


Name or index of the element to extract


default value if name is not part of object.


logical to decide how to treat cases where object has a component name: If TRUE, return default with a warning. Otherwise, return NULL.


Supplemental list beyond object in which to look for names in case object[[name]] is a language object that must be evaluated.


logical: TRUE to return as.character of any name found as an element of object.

FALSE to eval any name found in the environment of object.

Default = TRUE if name == 1 or a character string matching the name of the first element of object.


1. If is.numeric(name) In <- (1 <= name <= length(object))

2. else In <- if(name %in% names(object))

3. El <- if(In) object[[name]] else default

4. warn.NULL?

5. if(returnName) return(as.character(El)) else return(eval(El, envir=object))


an object of the form of object[[name]]; if object does not have an element or slot name, return default.


Spencer Graves with help from Marc Schwartz and Hadley Wickham

See Also

getElement, which also can return slots from S4 objects.


## 1.  name in object, return 
e1 <- getElement2(list(ab=1), 'ab', 2) # 1
# check 

all.equal(e1, 1)

## 2.  name not in object, return default
eNA <- getElement2(list(), 'ab') # default default = NA
# check 

all.equal(eNA, NA)

e0 <- getElement2(list(), 'ab', 2) # name not in object

all.equal(e0, 2)

e2 <- getElement2(list(ab=1), 'a', 2) # partial matching not used 

all.equal(e2, 2)

## 3.  name NULL in object, return default 
ed <- getElement2(list(a=NULL), 'a',2) # 2 with a warning

all.equal(ed, 2)

e. <- getElement2(list(a=NULL), 'a', 2, warn.NULL=FALSE) # NULL

all.equal(e., NULL)

eNULL <- getElement2(list(a=NULL), 'a', NULL) # NULL

all.equal(eNULL, NULL)

## 4.  Language:  find, eval, return 
Qte <- quote(plot(1:4, y=x, col=c2))
  Qt <- pryr::standardise_call(Qte) # add the name 'x' 
  fn <- getElement2(Qt)
  eQuote <- getElement2(Qt, 'y')
  Col2 <- getElement2(Qt, 'col', envir=list(c2=2))
# check

  all.equal(fn, 'plot')

  all.equal(eQuote, 1:4)

  all.equal(Col2, 2)


Find a 3-letter country code in rworldmap::countrySynonyms


Search for a specific country name on different columns of alternative names in all but the first column of referenceTable and return the contents of the first column if found or "No match found for country", followed by the value of string for that case.

By default, referenceTable = countrySynonyms[, -1].

NOTE: This code will be offered to the maintainer of the rworldmap package. If they like it, it may not stay in Ecfun.


grepInTable(pattern, referenceTable = 
        rworldmap::countrySynonyms[, -1],, collapse=', ', ...)



Character vector of matches of pattern[i] in different columns of referenceTable[, -1] until a match is found.


data.frame with the first column containing reference codes to be returned if found.

if( force pattern and referenceTable toupper before searching for matches.

If TRUE, force all toupper.


Ignored if only one match is found. Otherwise, return paste0(referenceTable[ix, 1], collapse=collapse) where ix = the indices of all matches for pattern[i].


optional arguments to pass to grep.


1. if( Force pattern and all columns of referenceTable toupper.

2. grep for string[i] in referenceTable[-1 and return the corresponding element of referenceTable[1] if found and an appropriate message otherwise.


A character vector of the contents of referenceTable[1] for all matches or not-found messages that include string[i] when string[i] is not found.


Spencer Graves

See Also

grep, toupper, countrySynonyms


tstCodes <- grepInTable(
    c('Iran', 'Christmas Island', 'eSwatini'))
answer <- c(Iran='IRN', 'Christmas Island' =
  paste("Found row 53 of referenceTable with column 1 = ''"),  
  'eSwatini'="No match found for eSwatini")    

all.equal(tstCodes, answer)

grep for nonstandard characters


Return the indices of elements of x containing characters that are not in standardCharacters.


grepNonStandardCharacters(x, value=FALSE,
   standardCharacters=c(letters, LETTERS, ' ',
    '.', ',',  0:9, '\"', "\'", '-', '_', '(', 
    ')', '[', ']', '\n'),
   ... )



character vector in which it is desired to identify elements containing characters not in standardCharacters.


logical: TRUE to return the values found in x, FALSE to return their indices.


Characters to overlook in x to identify anything not in standardCharacters.


optional arguments for regexpr


1. x. <- strsplit(x, ''): convert the input character vector to a list of vectors of character vectors with nchar(x.[i]) == 1 for i in 1:length(x).

2. sapply(x., ...) to identify all elements for which any element of x[[i]] is not in standardCharacters.


an integer vector identifying all elements of x containing a character not in standardCharacters.


Spencer Graves

See Also

stringi-package grep, regexpr, subNonStandardCharacters, showNonASCII


Names <- c('Raul', 'Ra`l', 'Torres,Raul', 'Torres, Raul')
#  confusion in character sets can create
#  names like Names[2]

chk <- grepNonStandardCharacters(Names)

all.equal(chk, 2)

chkv <- grepNonStandardCharacters(Names, TRUE)

all.equal(chkv, Names[2])

Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters


Numeric interpolation is defined in the usual way:

xOut <- x*(1-proportion) + y*proportion

Character interpolation does linear interpolation on the number of characters of x and y. If length(proportion) == 1, interpolation is done on cumsum(nchar(.)). If length(proportion) > 1, interpolation is based on nchar. In either case, the interpolant is rounded to an integer number of characters. Interp then returns substring(y, ...) unless nchar(x) > nchar(y), when it returns substring(x, ...).

Character interpolation is used in two cases: (1) At least one of x and y is character. (2) At least one of x and y is neither logical, integer, numeric, complex nor raw, and class(unclass(.)) is either integer or character.

In all other cases, numeric interpolation is used.

NOTE: This seems to provide a relatively simple default for what most people would want from the six classes of atomic vectors (logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw, and character) and most other classes. For example, class(unclass(factor)) is integer. The second rule would apply to this converting it to character. The coredata of an object of class zoo could be most anything, but this relatively simple rule would deliver what most people want in most case. An exception would be an object with integer coredata. To handle this as numeric, a Interp.zoo function would have to be written.


Interp(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
Interp(x, y, proportion, 
        message0=character(0), ...)
InterpChkArgs(x, y, proportion, 
        message0=character(0), ...)
InterpChar(argsChk, ...)        
InterpNum(argsChk, ...)


x, y

two vectors of the same class or to be coerced to the same class.


A number or numeric vector assumed to be between 0 and 1.


a character vector of length 3 giving arguments name.x, name.y, and proportion to pass to compareLengths to improve the value of any diagnostic message in case lengths are not compatible.


A character string to be passed with argnames to compareLengths to improve the value of any diagnostic message in case lengths are not compatible.


a list as returned by interpChkArgs


optional arguments for compareLengths


Interp is an S3 generic function to allow users to easily modify the behavior to interpolate between special classes of objects.

Interp has two basic algorithms for "Numeric" and "Character" interpolation.

The computations begin by calling InterpChkArgs to dispose quickly of simple cases (e.g, x or y missing or length 0 or if proportion is <= 0 or >= 1 or missing). It returns a list.

If the list contains a component named xout, Interp returns that value with no further computations.

Otherwise, the list returned by InterpChkArgs includes components "algorithm", "x", "y", "proportion", pLength1 (defined below), "raw", and "outclass". The "algorithm" component must be either "Numeric" or "Character". That algorithm is then performed as discussed below using arguments "x", "y", and "proportion"; all three will have the same length. The class of "x" and "y" will match the algorithm. The list component "raw" is logical: TRUE if the output will be raw or such that class(unclass(.)) of the output will be raw. In that case, a "Numeric" interpolation will be transformed back into "raw". "outclass" will either be a list of attributes to apply to the output or NA. If a list, xout will be added as component ".Data" to the list "outclass" and then then processed as'structure', outclass) to produce the desired output.

These two basic algorithms ("Numeric" and "Character") are the same if proportion is missing or not numeric: In that case Interp throws an error.

We now consider "Character" first, because it's domain of applicability is easier to describe. The "Numeric" algorithm is used in all other cases


* 1.1. The "CHARACTER" algorithm is used when at least one of x and y is neither logical, integer, numeric, complex nor raw and satisfies one of the following two additional conditions:

** 1.1.1. Either x or y is character.

** 1.1.2. class(unclass(.)) for at least one of x and y is either character or integer.

NOTE: The strengths and weaknesses of 1.1.2 can be seen in considering factors and integer vectors of class zoo: For both, class(unclass(.)) is integer. For factors, we want to use as.character(.). For zoo objects with coredata of class integer, we would want to use numeric interpolation. This is not allowed with the current code but could be easily implemented by writing Interp.zoo.

* 1.2. If either x or y is missing or has length 0, the one that is provided is returned unchanged.

* 1.3. Next determine the class of the output. This depends on whether neither, one or both of x and y have one of the six classes of atomic vectors (logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw, character):

** 1.3.1. If both x and y have one of the six atomic classes and one is character, return a character object.

** 1.3.2. If only one of x and y have an atomic class, return an object of the class of the other.

** 1.3.3. If neither of x nor y have a basic class, return an object with the class of y.

* 1.4. Set pLength1 <- (length(proportion) == 1):

** 1.4.1. If(pLength1) do the linear interpolation on cumsum(nchar(.)).

** 1.4.2. Else do the linear interpolation on nchar.

* 1.5. Next check x, y and proportion for comparable lengths: If all have length 0, return an object of the appropriate class. Otherwise, call compareLengths(x, proportion), compareLengths(y, proportion), and compareLengths(x, y).

* 1.6. Extend x, y, and proportion to the length of the longest using rep.

* 1.7. nchOut <- the number of characters to output using numeric interpolation and rounding the result to integer.

* 1.8. Return substring(y, 1, nchOut) except when the number of characters from x exceed those from y, in which case return substring(x, 1, nchOut). [NOTE: This meets the naive end conditions that the number of characters matches that of x when proportion is 0 and matches that of y when proportion is 1. This can be used to "erase" characters moving from one frame to the next in a video. See the examples.


* 2.1. Confirm that this does NOT satisfy the condition for the "Character" algorithm.

* 2.2. If either x or y is missing or has length 0, return the one provided.

* 2.3. Next determine the class of the output. As for "Character" described in section 1.3, this depends on whether neither, one or both of x and y have a basic class other than character (logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw):

** 2.3.1. If proportion <= 0, return x unchanged. If proportion >= 1, return y unchanged.

** 2.3.2. If neither x nor y has a basic class, return an object of class equal that of y.

** 2.3.3. If exactly one of x and y does not have a basic class, return an object of class determined by class(unclass(.)) of the non-basic argument.

** 2.3.4. When interpolating between two objects of class raw, convert the interpolant back to class raw. Do this even when 2.3.2 or 2.3.3 applies and class(unclass(.)) of both x and y are of class raw.

* 2.4. Next check x, y and proportion for comparable lengths: If all have length 0, return an object of the appropriate class. Otherwise, call compareLengths(x, proportion), compareLengths(y, proportion), and compareLengths(x, y).

* 2.5. Compute the desired interpolation and convert it to the required class per step 2.3 above.


Interp returns a vector whose class is described in "* 1.3" and "* 2.3" in "Details" above.

InterpChkArgs returns a list or throws an error as described in "Details" above.


Spencer Graves


The Writing R Extensions manual (available via help.start()) lists six different classes of atomic vectors: logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw and character. See also Wickham, Hadley (2014) Advanced R, especially Wickham (2013, section on "Atomic vectors" in the chapter on "Data structures").

See Also

classIndex interpPairs

Many other packages have functions with names like interp, interp1, and interpolate. Some do one-dimensional interpolation. Others do two-dimensional interpolation. Some offer different kinds of interpolation beyond linear. At least one is a wrapper for approx.


## 1.  numerics 
# 1.1.  standard 
xNum <- interpChar(1:3, 4:5, (0:3)/4)
# answer 
xN. <- c(1, 2.75, 3.5, 4)

all.equal(xNum, xN.)

# 1.2.  with x but not y:  
# return that vector with a warning

xN1 <- Interp(1:4, p=.5)
# answer 
xN1. <- 1:4

all.equal(xN1, xN1.)

## 2.  Single character vector 

i.5 <- Interp(c('a', 'bc', 'def'), character(0), p=0.3)
# with y = NULL or character(0), 
# Interp returns x 

all.equal(i.5, c('a', 'bc', 'def'))

i.5b <- Interp('', c('a', 'bc', 'def'), p=0.3)
# Cumulative characters (length(proportion)=1):  
#     0.3*(total 6 characters) = 1.2 characters
i.5. <- c('a', 'b', '')

all.equal(i.5b, i.5.)

## 3.  Reverse character example 
i.5c <- Interp(c('a', 'bc', 'def'), '', 0.3)
# check:  0.7*(total 6 characers) = 4.2 characters
i.5c. <- c('a', 'bc', 'd')

all.equal(i.5c, i.5c.)

## 4.  More complicated example
xCh <- Interp('', c('Do it', 'with R.'), 
              c(0, .5, .9)) 
# answer 
xCh. <- c('', 'with', 'Do i') 

all.equal(xCh, xCh.)

## 5.  Still more complicated 
xC2 <- Interp(c('a', 'fabulous', 'bug'), 
                  c('bigger or', 'just', 'big'), 
                  c(.3, .3, 1) )
x.y.longer <- c('bigger or', 'fabulous', 'big')
# use y with ties 
# nch smaller        1          4         3
# nch larger         9          8         3
# d.char             8,         4,        0 
# prop              .3,        .7,        1 
# prop*d.char      2.4,       2.8,        0
# smaller+p*d        3,         7,        3
xC2. <- c('big', 'fabulou', 'big')                 

all.equal(xC2, xC2.)

## 6.  with one NULL 
null1 <- Interp(NULL, 1, .3)

all.equal(null1, 1)

null2 <- Interp('abc', NULL, .3)

all.equal(null2, 'abc')

## 7.  length=0 
log0 <- interpChar(logical(0), 2, .6)

all.equal(log0, 1.2)

## 8.  Date
(Jan1.1980 <- as.Date('1980-01-01'))

Jan1.1972i <- Interp(0, Jan1.1980, .2)
# check 
Jan1.1972 <- as.Date('1972-01-01')

all.equal(Jan1.1972, round(Jan1.1972i))

## 9.  POSIXct 
(Jan1.1980c <- as.POSIXct(Jan1.1980))

(Jan1.1972ci <- Interp(0, Jan1.1980c, .2))
# check 
(Jan1.1972ct <- as.POSIXct(Jan1.1972))

abs(difftime(Jan1.1972ct, Jan1.1972ci, 

Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters


For x and y logical, integer, numeric, Date or POSIX:

xOut <- x*(1-.proportion) + y*.proportion

Otherwise, coerce to character and return a substring of x or y with number of characters interpolating linearly between nchar(x) and nchar(y); see details.

*** NOTE: This function is currently in flux. The results may not match the documentation and may change in the future.

The current version does character interpolation on the cumulative number of characters with defaults with only one argument that may not be easy to understand and use. Proposed:

old: interpolate on number of characters in each string with the default for a missing argument being character(length(x)) [or character(length(y)) or numeric(length(x)) or ...]

2014-08-08: default with either x or y missing should be to set the other to the one we have, so interpChar becomes a no op – except that values with .proportion outside (validProportion = [0, 1] by default) should be dropped.


interpChar(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'list'
interpChar(x, .proportion, 
        message0=character(0), ...)
## Default S3 method:
interpChar(x, y, .proportion, 
        message0=character(0), ...)



either a vector or a list. If a list, pass the first two elements as the first two arguments of interpChar.default.


a vector


A number or numeric vector assumed to be between 0 and 1.


a character vector of length 3 giving arguments name.x, name.y, and .proportion to pass to compareLengths to improve the value of any diagnostic message in case lengths are not compatible.


A character string to be passed with argnames to compareLengths to improve the value of any diagnostic message in case lengths are not compatible.


optional arguments for compareLengths


1. x, y and .proportion are first compared for compatible lengths using compareLengths. A warning is issued if the lengths are not compatible. They are then all extended to the same length using rep.

2. If x and y are both numeric, interpChar returns the standard linear interpolation (described above).

3. If x, y, and .proportion are all provided with at least one of x and y not being numeric or logical, the algorithm does linear interpolation on the difference in the number of characters between x and y. It returns characters from y except when nchar(x) > nchar(y), in which case it returns characters from x. This meets the end conditions that the number of characters matches that of x when .proportion is 0 and matches that of y when .proportion is 1. This can be used to "erase" characters moving from one frame to the next in a video. See the examples.

4. If either x or y is missing, it is replaced by a default vector of the same type and length; for example, if y is missing and x is numeric, y = numeric(length(x)). (If the one supplied is not numeric or logical, it is coerced to character.)


A vector: Numeric if x and y are both numeric and character otherwise. The length = max length of x, y, and .proportion.


Spencer Graves

See Also

interpPairs, which calls interpChar

classIndex, which is called by interpChar to help decide the class of the interpolant.


## 1.  numerics 
# 1.1.  standard 
xNum <- interpChar(1:3, 4:5, (0:3)/4)
# answer 
xN. <- c(1, 2.75, 3.5, 4)

all.equal(xNum, xN.)

# 1.2.  list of length 1 with a numeric vector: 
#       return that vector with a warning
xN1 <- interpChar(list(a.0=1:4), .5)
# answer 
xN1. <- 1:4

all.equal(xN1, xN1.)

## 2.  Single character vector 
i.5 <- interpChar(list(c('a', 'bc', 'def')), .p=0.3)
# If cumulative characters:  
#        0.3*(total 6 characters) = 1.8 characters
# However, the current code does something different, 
# returning "a", "bc", "d" <- like using 1-.p?  
# This is a problem with the defaults with a single 
# argument;  ignore this issue for now.  
# 2014-06-04
i.5. <- c('a', 'b', '')
#all.equal(i.5, i.5.)

## 3.  Reverse character example 
i.5c <- interpChar(c('a', 'bc', 'def'), '', 0.3)
# check:  0.7*(total 6 characers) = 4.2 characters
i.5c. <- c('a', 'bc', 'd')

all.equal(i.5c, i.5c.)

#  The same thing specified in a list 
i.5d <- interpChar(list(c('a', 'bc', 'def'), ''), 0.3)

all.equal(i.5d, i.5c.)

## 4.  More complicated example
xCh <- interpChar(list(c('Do it', 'with R.')), 
                  c(0, .5, .9)) 
# answer 
xCh. <- c('', 'with', 'Do ') 
# With only one input, it's assumed to be y.  
# It is replicated to length(.proportion), 
# With nchar = 5, 7, 5, cum = 5, 12, 17.  

all.equal(xCh, xCh.)

## 5.  Still more complicated 
xC2 <- interpChar(c('a', 'fabulous', 'bug'), 
                  c('bigger or', 'just', 'big'), 
                  c(.3, .3, 1) )
# answer 
x.y.longer <- c('bigger or', 'fabulous', 'big')
# use y with ties 
# nch smaller        1          4         3
# nch larger         9          8         3
# d.char             8,         4,        0 
# cum characters     8,        12,       12 
# prop              .3,        .7,        1 
# prop*12          3.6,       8.4,       12
#             1,         5,        8
#*12     5,        13,       20
#   -cum(larger[-1]) 5,         4,        3
xC2. <- c('bigge', 'fabu', 'big')                 

all.equal(xC2, xC2.)

## 6.  with one NULL 
null1 <- interpChar(NULL, 1, 1)

all.equal(null1, 1)

null2 <- interpChar('abc', NULL, .3)

all.equal(null2, 'ab')

## 7.  length=0 
log0 <- interpChar(logical(0), 2, .6)

all.equal(log0, 1.2)

## 8.  Date

## 9.  POSIXct 

interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list


This does two things:

  1. Computes a .proportion interpolation between pairs by passing each pair with .proportion to interpChar. interpChar does standard linear interpolation with numerics and interpolates based on the number of characters with non-numerics.

  2. Discards rows of interpolants for which .proportion is outside validProportion. If object is a list, corresponding rows of other vectors of the same length are also discarded.

    NOTE: There are currently discrepancies between the documentation and the code over defaults when one but not both elements of a pair are provided. The code returns an answer. If that's not acceptable, provide the other half of the pair. After some experience is gathered, the question of defaults will be revisited and the code or the documentation will change.


interpPairs(object, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'call'
    nFrames=1, iFrame=nFrames, 
    envir = parent.frame(), 
    pairs=c('1'='\\.0$', '2'='\\.1$', 
        replace0='', replace1='.2', 
    validProportion=0:1, message0=character(0), ...)
## S3 method for class 'function'
    nFrames=1, iFrame=nFrames, 
    envir = parent.frame(), 
    pairs=c('1'='\\.0$', '2'='\\.1$', 
    replace0='', replace1='.2', replace2='.3'),     
    validProportion=0:1, message0=character(0), ...)
## S3 method for class 'list'
    .proportion, envir=list(), 
        pairs=c('1'='\\.0$', '2'='\\.1$',
        replace0='', replace1='.2', 
        replace2='.3'), validProportion=0:1,
        message0=character(0), ...)



A call, function, list or data.frame with names possibly matching pairs[1:2].

When names matching both of pairs[1:2], they are converted to potentially common names using sub(pairs[i], pairs[3], ...). When matches are found among the potentially common names, they are passed with .proportion to interpChar to compute an interpolation. The matches are removed and replaced with the interpolant, shortened by excluding any rows for which .proportion is outside validProportion.

Elements with "common names" that do not have a match are replaced by elements with the common names that have been shortened by omitting rows with .proportion outside validProportion. Thus, if x.0 is found without x.1, x.0 is removed and replaced by x.


number of distinct plots to create.


integer giving the index of the single frame to create. Default = nFrames.

An error is thrown if both iFrame and .proportion are not NULL.


Number of frames to hold constant at the end.


a numeric vector assumed to lie between 0 and 1 specifying how far to go from suffixes[1] to suffixes[2]. For example, if x.0 and x.1 are found and are numeric, x = x.0 + .proportion * (x.1 - x.0). Rows of x and any other element of object of the same length are dropped for any .proportion outside validProportion.

An error is thrown if both iFrame and .proportion are not NULL.


environment / list to use with object, which can optionally provide other variables to compute what gets plotted; see the example below using this argument.


a character vector of two regular expressions to identify elements of object between which to interpolate and three replacements.

(1) The first of the three replacements is used in sub to convert each pairs[1:2] name found to the desired name of the interpolate. Common names found are then passed with .proportion to interpChar, which does the actual interpolation.

(2, 3) interpPairs also calls checkNames(object, avoid = pairs[c(1, 3, 2, 5)]). This confirms that object has names, and all such names are unique. If object does not have names or has some duplicate names, the make.names is called to fix that problem, and any new names that match pairs[1:2] are modified using sub to avoid creating a new match. If the modification still matches pairs[1:2], it generates an error.


Range of values of .proportion to retain, as noted with the discussion of the object argument.


a character string passed to interpChar to improve the value of diagnostic messages


optional arguments for sub


*** FUNCTION ***

First interpPairs.function looks for arguments firstFrame, lastFrame, and Keep. If any of these are found, they are stored locally and removed from the function. If iFrame is provided, it is used with with these arguments plus nFrames and endFrames to compute .proportion.

If .proportion is outside validProportion, interpPairs does nothing, returning enquote(NULL).

If any(.proportion) is inside validProportion, interpPairs.function next uses grep to look for arguments with names matching pairs[1:2]. If any are found, they are passed with .proportion to interpChar. The result is stored in the modified object with the common name obtained from sub(pairs[i], pairs[3], ...), i = 1, 2.

The result is then evaluated and then returned.

*** LIST ***

1. ALL.OUT: if(none(0<=.proportion<=1))return 'no.op' = list(fun='return', value=NULL)

2. FIND PAIRS: Find names matching pairs[1:2] using grep. For example, names like x.0 match the default pairs[1], and names like x.1 match the default pairs[1].

3. MATCH PAIRS: Use sub(pairs[i], pairs[3], ...) for i = 1:2, to translate each name matching pairs[1:2] into something else for matching. For example, the default pairs thus translates, e.g., x.0 and x.1 both into x. In the output, x.0 and x.1 are dropped, replaced by x = interpChar(x.0, x.1, .proportion, ...). Rows with .proportion outside validProportion are dropped in x. Drop similar rows of any numeric or character vector or data.frame with the same number of rows as x or .proportion.

4. Add component .proportion to envir to make it available to eval any language component of object in the next step.

5. Loop over all elements of object to create outList, evaluating any expressions and computing the desired interpolation using interpChar. Computing xleft in this way allows xright to be specified later as quote(xleft + xinch(0.6)), for example. This can be used with a call to rasterImageAdj.

6. Let N = the maximum number of rows of elements of outList created by interpolation in the previous step. If .proportion is longer, set N = length(.proportion). Find all vectors and data.frames in outList with N rows and delete any rows for which .proportion is outside validProportion.

7. Delete the raw pairs found in steps 1-3, retaining the element with the target name computed in steps 4 and 5 above. For other elements of object modified in the previous step, retain the shortened form. Otherwise, retain the original, unevaluated element.


a list with elements containing the interpolation results.


Spencer Graves

See Also

interpChar for details on interpolation. compareLengths for how lengths are checked and messages composed and written. enquote


### 1.  interpPairs.function

## 1.1.  simple 
plot0 <- quote(plot(0))
plot0. <- interpPairs(plot0)
# check 

all.equal(plot0, plot0.)

## 1.2.  no op 
noop <- interpPairs(plot0, iFrame=-1)
# check

all.equal(noop, enquote(NULL))

## 1.3.  a more typical example
## example function for interpPairs 
tstPlot <- function(){
  plot(1:2, 1:2, type='n')
        x.1=seq(1, 2, .5), 
        z.0=0, z.1=1, 
        txt.1=c('CRAN is', 'good', '...'), 
tstbo <- body(tstPlot)
iPlot <- interpPairs(tstbo[[2]])
# check 
iP <- quote(plot(1:2, 1:2, type='n'))

all.equal(iPlot, iP)

iLines <- interpPairs(tstbo[[3]], nFrames=5, iFrame=2)
# check:  
# .proportion = (iFrame-firstFrame)/(lastFrame-firstFrame)
#  = c(1/3, 0, -1/3)
# if x.0 = 0 and y.0 = 0 by default:  
iL <- quote(linex(x=c(1/3, 0), y=c(1/9, 0), z=c(1/3, 0), 
           tst=c('CR', '')))
##**** This example seems to give the wrong answer
##**** 2014-06-03:  Ignore for the moment 
#all.equal(iLines, iL)

## 1.4.  Don't throw a cryptic error with NULL 
ip0 <- interpPairs(quote(text(labels.1=NULL)))
### 2.  interpPairs.list

## 2.1.  (x.0, y.0, x.1, y.1) -> (x,y)
tstList <- list(x.0=1:5, y.0=5:9, y.1=9:5, x.1=9,
                ignore=letters, col=1:5)
xy <- interpPairs(tstList, 0.1)
# check 
xy. <- list(ignore=letters, col=1:5, 
            x=1:5 + 0.1*(9-1:5), 
            y=5:9 + 0.1*(9:5-5:9) )
# New columns, 'x' and 'y', come after 
# columns 'col' and 'ignore' already in tstList 

all.equal(xy, xy.)

## 2.2.  Select the middle 2:  
##      x=(1-(0,1))*3:4+0:1*0=(3,0)
xy0 <- interpPairs(tstList[-4], c(-Inf, -1, 0, 1, 2) )
# check 
xy0. <- list(ignore=letters, col=3:4, x=c(3,0), y=7:6)

all.equal(xy0, xy0.)

## 2.3.  Null interpolation because of absence of y.1 and x.0  
xy02 <- interpPairs(tstList[c(2, 4)], 0.1)
# check 
#### NOT the current default answer;  revisit later.  
xy02. <- list(y=5:9, x=9)

# NOTE:  length(x) = 1 = length(x.1) in testList
#all.equal(xy02, xy02.)

## 2.4.  Select an empty list (make sure this works)
x0 <- interpPairs(list(), 0:1)
# check 
x0. <- list()
names(x0.) <- character(0)

all.equal(x0, x0.)

## 2.5.  subset one vector only 
xyz <- interpPairs(list(x=1:4), c(-1, 0, 1, 2))
# check 
xyz. <- list(x=2:3)

all.equal(xyz, xyz.)

## 2.6.  with elements of class call
xc <- interpPairs(list(x=1:3, y=quote(x+sin(pi*x/6))), 0:1)
# check
xc. <- list(x=1:3, y=quote(x+sin(pi*x/6)))

all.equal(xc, xc.)

## 2.7. text
#  2 arguments 
j.5 <- interpPairs(list(x.0='', x.1=c('a', 'bc', 'def')), 0.5)
# check  
j.5. <- list(x=c('a', 'bc', ''))

all.equal(j.5, j.5.)

##  2.8.  text, 1 argument as a list 
j.50 <- interpPairs(list(x.1=c('a', 'bc', 'def')), 0.5)
# check  

all.equal(j.50, j.5.)

## 2.9.  A more complicated example with elements to eval
logo.jpg <- paste(R.home(), "doc", "html", "logo.jpg",
                  sep = .Platform$file.sep)
  Rlogo <- try(readJPEG(logo.jpg))
  if(!inherits(Rlogo, 'try-error')){
# argument list for a call to rasterImage or rasterImageAdj   
    RlogoLoc <- list(image=Rlogo,
      xleft.0 = c(NZ=176.5,CH=172,US=171,  
                  CN=177,RU= 9.5,UK= 8),
      xleft.1 = c(NZ=176.5,CH=  9,US=-73.5,
                  CN=125,RU= 37, UK= 2),
      ybottom.0=c(NZ=-37,  CH=-34,US=-34,  
                  CN=-33,RU= 48, UK=47),
      ybottom.1=c(NZ=-37,  CH= 47,US= 46,  
                  CN= 32,RU=55.6,UK=55),
      ytop = quote(ybottom+yinch(0.6)),
      angle.0 =0,
      angle.1 =c(NZ=0,CH=3*360,US=5*360, 

    RlogoInterp <- interpPairs(RlogoLoc, 
            .proportion=rep(c(0, -1), c(2, 4)) )
# check 

      c('image', 'xright', 'ytop', 
        'xleft', 'ybottom', 'angle'))

# NOTE:  'xleft', and 'ybottom' were created in interpPairs, 
# and therefore come after 'xright' and 'ytop', which were 
# already there.  

## 2.10.  using envir
    RlogoDiag <- list(x0=quote(Rlogo.$xleft), 
                  y1=quote(Rlogo.$ytop) ) 

    RlogoD <- interpPairs(RlogoDiag, .p=1, 
                    envir=list(Rlogo.=RlogoInterp) ) 

    all.equal(RlogoD, RlogoDiag)

## 2.11.  assign;  no interp but should work   
tstAsgn <- as.list(quote(op <- (1:3)^2))
intAsgn <- interpPairs(tstAsgn, 1)

# check 
intA. <- tstAsgn 
names(intA.) <- c('X', 'X.3', 'X.2')

all.equal(intAsgn, intA.)

#   op <- par(...)
tstP <- quote(op <- par(mar=c(5, 4, 2, 2)+0.1))
tstPar <- as.list(tstP)
intPar <- interpPairs(tstPar, 1)

# check 
intP. <- list(quote(`<-`), quote(op), 
              quote(par(mar=c(5, 4, 2, 2)+0.1)) )
names(intP.) <- c("X", 'X.3', 'X.2')

all.equal(intPar, intP.)

intP. <- interpPairs(tstP)

all.equal(intP., tstP)

## NULL 

all.equal(interpPairs(NULL), quote(NULL))

Log-diagonal representation of a variance matrix


Translate a square symmetric matrix with positive diagonal elements into a vector of the logarithms of the diagonal elements with the correlations as an attribute, and vice versa.


logVarCor(x, corr, ...)



If a matrix, translate into a vector with a "corr" attribute.

If a vector, translate into a matrix.


optional vector of correlations for the lower.tri portion of a covariance matrix whose diagonal is exp(x).

Use a "corr" attribute of x only if this argument is missing.


(not currently used)


if(length(dim(x))==2) return log(diag(x)) with an attribute "corr" equal to the lower.tri of cov2cor(x).

Otherwise, return a covariance matrix from x as described above.


Spencer Graves

See Also

log diag cov2cor lower.tri pdLogChol converts a k-dimensional covariance matrix into a vector of length choose(k+1, 2). By contrast, logVarCor returns a vector of length k with a "corr" attribute of length choose(k, 2).


## 1.  Trivial 1 x 1 matrix
# 1.1.  convert vector to "matrix"
mat1 <- logVarCor(1)
# check

all.equal(mat1, matrix(exp(1), 1))

# 1.2.  Convert 1 x 1 matrix to vector 
lVCd1 <- logVarCor(diag(1))
# check 
lVCd1. <- 0
attr(lVCd1., 'corr') <- numeric(0)

all.equal(lVCd1, lVCd1.)

## 2.  simple 2 x 2 matrix 
# 2.1.  convert 1:2 into a matrix 
lVC2 <- logVarCor(1:2)
# check 
lVC2. <- diag(exp(1:2))

all.equal(lVC2, lVC2.)

# 2.2.  Convert a matrix into a vector 
lVC2d <- logVarCor(diag(1:2))
# check 
lVC2d. <- log(1:2)
attr(lVC2d., 'corr') <- 0 

all.equal(lVC2d, lVC2d.)

## 3.  3-d covariance matrix with nonzero correlations 
# 3.1.  Create matrix 
(ex3 <- tcrossprod(matrix(c(rep(1,3), 0:2), 3)))
dimnames(ex3) <- list(letters[1:3], letters[1:3])

# 3.2.  Convert to vector 
(Ex3 <- logVarCor(ex3))

# check 
Ex3. <- log(c(1, 2, 5))
names(Ex3.) <- letters[1:3]
attr(Ex3., 'corr') <- c(1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(5), 3/sqrt(10))

all.equal(Ex3, Ex3.)

# 3.3.  Convert back to a matrix 
Ex3.2 <- logVarCor(Ex3)
# check 

all.equal(ex3, Ex3.2)

Identify the row of y best matching each row of x


For each row of x[, by.x], find the best matching row of y[, by.y], with the best match defined by grep. and split.

grep. and split must either be missing or have the same length as by.x and by.y. If grep.[i] and split[i] are NA, do a complete match of x[, by.x[i]] and y[, by.y[i]]. Otherwise, for each row j, look for a match for strsplit(x[j, by.x[i]], split[i])[[1]][1] among strsplit(y[, by.y[i]], split[i]). See details.

Usage, y, by, by.x=by, by.y=by, 
        grep., split, sep=':')


x, y


by, by.x, by.y

names of columns of x and y to match.


a character vector of the type of match for each element of by.x and by.y. If NA, require a perfect match.

Alternatives are grep and agrep to find a match for the first segment in strsplit(x, split=split[i]) among any of the segments of strsplit(y, split=split[i]). Use fixed=TRUE with the calls to these functions.

NOTE: These alternatives are not examined if a unique match is found between x[, by.x[ &]] and the corresponding columns of y.


A character vector of split characters to pass to strsplit; strsplit is not called if


a sep argument to use with paste to produce a matching key for the columns of x and y for which perfect matches are required. If(missing(sep) && not(missing(grep.))) sep <- ' ' except where grep. = NAs.


1. Check by.x, by.y, grep. and split. If((missing(by.x) | missing(by.y)) && missing(by)) by <- names(x)

2. fullMatch <- ( & is .na(split)). Create keyfx and keyfy by by pasting columns of x[, by.x[fullMatch]] and y[, by.y[fullMatch]]. Also create x. and y. = strsplit of x[, by.x[!fullMatch]].

3. Iterate over rows of x looking for the best match. This includes an inner loop over columns of x[, by.x[!fullMatch]], stopping on the first unique match. Return (-1) if no unique match is found.


an integer vector of length nrow(x) containing the index of the best matching row of y or NA if no adequate match was found.


Spencer Graves

See Also

strsplit, grep, agrep match, row.match, join, match_df classify


newdata <- data.frame(state=c("AL", "MI","NY"),
                      surname=c("Rogers", "Rogers", "Smith"),
                      givenName=c("Mike R.", "Mike K.", "Al"),
reference <- data.frame(state=c("NY", "NY", "MI", "AL", "NY", "MI"),
                      surname=c("Smith", "Rogers", "Rogers (MI)",
                                "Rogers (AL)", "Smith", 'Jones'),
                      givenName=c("John", "Mike", "Mike", "Mike",
                                "T. Albert", 'Al Thomas'),
newInRef <-, reference,
       grep.=c(NA, 'agrep', 'agrep'))

all.equal(newInRef, c(4, 3, 5))

Match surname and givenName in a table


Use parseName to split a name into surname and givenName, the look for matches in table.


matchName(x, data, Names=1:2, 
          nicknames=matrix(character(0), 0, 2), 
          namesNotFound="attr.replacement", ...)
matchName1(x1, data, name=data[, 1],     
          nicknames=matrix(character(0), 0, 2), ...)



One of the following:

  • A character matrix or data.frame with the same number of rows as data. The best partial match is sought in Names. The algorithm stops when a unique match is found; any remaining columns of x are then ignored. Any nicknames are ignored for the first column but not for subsequent columns.

  • A character vector whose length matches the number of rows of data. This will be replaced by parseName(x).


a character matrix or a data.frame. If surname and givenName are character vectors of names, their length must match the number of rows of data.


One of the following in which matches for x will be sought:

  • A character vector or matrix or a data.frame for which NROW(Names) == nrow(data).

  • Something to select columns of data to produce a character vector or matrix or data.frame via data[, Names]. In this case, accents will be stripped using subNonStandardNames.


a character matrix with two columns, each row giving a pair of names like "Pete" and "Peter" that should be regarded as equivalent if no exact match(es) is(are) found.


optional arguments passed to subNonStandardNames


a character vector of names to match name.

NOTE: matchName calls subNonStandardNames, but matchName1 does not. Thus, x1 is assumed to NOT to contain characters not in standard English.


A character vector or matrix for which NROW(name) == nrow(data).

NOTE: matchName calls subNonStandardNames, but matchName1 does not. Thus, name is assumed to NOT to contain characters not in standard English.


character vector passed to subNonStandardNames and used to compute any namesNotFound attribute of the object returned by parseName.


*** 1. matchName(x, data, Names, nicknames, ...):

1.1. if(length(dim(x)<2))x <- parseName(x, ...)

1.2. x1 <- matchName1(x[, 1], cata, Names[1], ...)

1.3. For any component i of x1 with multiple rows, let x1i <- matchName1(x[i, 2], x1[[i]], Name[-1], nicknames=nicknames, ...). If nrow(x1i)>0, x1[[i]] <- x1i; else leave unchanged.

1.4. return x1.


*** 2. matchName1(x1, data, name, nicknames, ...):

2.1. If name indicates a column of data, replace with data[, name].

2.2. xsplit <- strsplit(x1, ' ').

2.3. nx <- length(x1); xlist <- vector(nx, mode='list')

2.4. for(j in 1:nx):

2.5. xj <- xplit[[j]]

2.6. let jd = the subset of names that match xj or subNonStandardNames(xj) or nicknames of xj; xlist[j] <- jd.

2.7. return xlist


matchName returns a list of the same length as x, each of whose components is an object obtained as a subset of rows of data or NULL if no acceptable matches are found. The list may have an attribute namesNotFound as determined per the argument of that name.

matchNames1 returns a list of vectors of integers for subsets of data matching x1.


Spencer Graves

See Also

parseName subNonStandardNames


## 1.  Names to match exercising many possibile combinations 
##     of surname with 0, 1, >1 matches possibly after 
##     replacing with subNonStandardNames 
##     combined with possibly multiple givenName combinations 
##     with 0, 1, >1 matches possibly requiring replacing with 
##     subNonStandardNames or nicknames 
# NOTE:  "-" could also be "e" with an accent;  
#    not included with this documentation, because 
#    non-English characters generate warnings in standard tests.  
Names2mtch <- c("Andr_ Bruce C_rdenas", "Dolores Ella Feinstein",
           "George Homer", "Inez Jane Kappa", "Luke Michael Noel", 
           "Oscar Papa", "Quincy Ra_l Stevens", 
           "Thomas U. Vel_zquez", "William X. Young", 
## 2.  Data = matrix(..., byrow=TRUE) to exercise the combinations 
##     the combinations from 1 
Data1 <- matrix(c("Feld", "Don", "789", 
                  "C_rdenas", "Don", "456", 
                  "C_rdenas", "Andre B.", "123", 
                  "Smith", "George", "aaa", 
                  "Young", "Bill", "369"), 
                ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
Data1. <- subNonStandardNames(Data1)                
## 3.  matchName1
parceNm1 <- parseName(Names2mtch)
match1.1 <- matchName1(parceNm1[, 'surname'], Data1.)

# check
match1.1s <- vector('list', 10)
match1.1s[[1]] <- 2:3
match1.1s[[9]] <- 5
names(match1.1s) <- parceNm1[, 'surname'] 

all.equal(match1.1, match1.1s)

## 4.  matchName1 with name = multiple columns 
match1.2 <- matchName1(c('Cardenas', 'Don'), Data1., 
                       name=Data1.[, 1:2])

# check 
match1.2a <- list(Cardenas=2:3, Don=1:2)

all.equal(match1.2, match1.2a)

## 5.  matchName 
nickNames <- matrix(c("William", "Bill"), 1, byrow=TRUE)

match1 <- matchName(Names2mtch, Data1, nicknames=nickNames)
# check 
match1a <- list("Cardenas, Andre Bruce"=Data1[3,, drop=FALSE ], 
                "Feinstein, Dolores Ella"=NULL, 
                "Homer, George"=NULL, "Kappa, Inez Jane"=NULL, 
                "Noel, Luke Michael"=NULL, "Papa, Oscar"=NULL, 
                "Stevens, Quincy Raul"=NULL, 
                "Velazquez, Thomas U."=NULL, 
                "Young, William X."=Data1[5,, drop=FALSE], 

all.equal(match1, match1a)

## 6.  namesNotFound 
tstNotFound <- matchName('xx_x', Data1)

# check 
tstNF <- list('xx_x'=NULL)
attr(tstNF, 'namesNotFound') <- 'xx_x'

all.equal(tstNotFound, tstNF)

## 7.  matchName(NULL) to simplify use 
mtchNULL <- matchName(NULL, Data1)

all.equal(mtchNULL, NULL)

Match isolated quotes across records


Look for unmatched quotes in a character vector. If found, look for a matching quote starting the next character string in the vector, possibly after a blank line. If found, merge the two strings and return the resulting shortened character vector.


matchQuote(x,  Quote='"', sep=' ', 
          maxChars2append=2, ...)



a character vector to scan for unmatched Quotes.


the Quote character that should appear in pairs


sep argument passed to paste to combine pairs of successive lines with unmatched quotes.


maximum number of characters in the following string to concatenate two adjacent strings (possibly separated by a blank line) with unmatched Quotes.


optional arguments for gsub


This function was written to help parse data from the US Department of Health and Human Services on cyber-security breaches affecting 500 or more individuals. As of 2014-06-03 the csv version of these data included commas in quotes that are not sep characters, quotes that are not matched, lines with zero characters, followed by lines with 3 characters being a quote and a comma. This function was written to drop the blank lines and append the quote-comma line to the preceding line so it contained matching quotes.


The input character vector possibly shortened with the following attributes explaining what was found:

indices of the input x with an unmatched




indices of the input x that were dropped because they (1) followed an unmatched Quote and (2) contained no non-blank characters.


indices of the input x that were concatenated with a preceding line because the two lines contained unmatched Quote characters, and concatenating them produced a line with all Quotes matched.


an integer vector of the same length as quoteLinesConcatenated giving the number of characters in the second line concatenated onto the previous line.


Spencer Graves

See Also

strsplit1 delimMatch


chvec <- c('abc', 'de"f', ' ', '",', 'g"h',
            'matched"quotes"', '')
ch. <- matchQuote(chvec)

# check 
chv. <- c('abc', 'de"f ",', 'g"h', 
          'matched"quotes"', '')
attr(chv., 'unmatchedQuotes') <- c(2, 4, 5)
attr(chv., 'blankLinesDropped') <- 3
attr(chv., 'quoteLinesAppended') <- 4
attr(chv., 'ncharsAppended') <- 2 

all.equal(ch., chv.)

Merge Roll Call Vote


Merge roll call vote record with a data.frame containing other information. The vote records are typically incomplete, so match first on houseSenate and surname. If this match is incomplete, try using givenName. If that fails, try state and district, which may not always be present in vote.


mergeVote(x, vote, Office="House", vote.x, 



a data.frame whose columns include Office, surname, and givenName.


a data.frame with column names which when forced tolower would match surname, givenname, and vote. However, the givenname may not be complete, so use it only if the surname is not sufficient.


Either "House" or "Senate"; ignored if vote includes a column Office.


name of a column of x containing a vote to be updated with the vote column of the vote data.frame. If missing and x has a column with a name matching "vote", then vote.x is that column. If missing but x has no such column, then append a column to x with the name of the vote column of the vote data.frame.


logical: If TRUE, check for rows of x[, vote.x] that are NOT in vote and throw an error if found.


1. Parse vote.x to get the name of the column of x into which to write the vote column of the vote data.frame.

2. If the vote data.frame contains a column Office, ignore the Office argument. Otherwise, add the argument houseSenate as a column of vote.

3. Create keyx <- with(x, paste(Office, surname, sep=":")), keyx2 <- paste(keyx, givenName, sep=":"), keyx. <- paste(houseSenate, state, district, sep=":"), and similarly keyv, leyv2, and keyv. from vote.

4. Look for keyv in keyx. When a unique match is found, transfer the vote the vote column of x. When no match is found, try for keyv2 in keyx2 or keyv. in keyx. If those fail, print an error message with the information from vote on all failures and ask the user to add state and district information.

5. if(check.x), check for rows in x[, vote.x] that are NOT notEligible but are also not in vote: Throw an error if any are found.


a data.frame with the same columns as x with its vote column modified per the vote argument.


Spencer Graves

See Also



## 1.  Test good cases
votetst <- data.frame(
  surName=c('Smith', 'Jones', 'Graves', 'Jsn', 'Jsn', 'Gay'),
  givenName=c("Sam", "", "", "John", "John", ''),
  votex=factor(c('Y', 'N', 'abstain', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y')),
  State=factor(rep(c("CA", "", "SC", "NY"), c(1, 2, 1, 2))),
  district=rep(c("13", "1", "2", "1"), c(1, 2, 2, 1)),
  stringsAsFactors=FALSE )

x1 <- data.frame(
  Office=factor(rep(c("House", "Senate"), e=8)),
  state=rep(c("NY", "SC", "SD", "CA", "AK", "AR", "NY", "NJ"), 2),
  District=rep(c("2", "2", "At Large", "13", "1", "9", "1", "3"), 2),
  surname=rep(c('Jsn', 'Jsn', 'Smith', 'Smith', 'Jones',
       'Graves', 'Rx', 'Agnew'), 2),
  givenName=rep(c("John D.", "John J.",
    "Samual", "Samual", "Mary", "Mary", "Susan", 'Spiro'), 2),
  don=1:16, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

x1. <- mergeVote(x1, votetst)

x2 <- cbind(x1, votex=factor( rep(
   c('Y', 'notEligible', 'Y', 'N', 'abstain', 'Y', 'notEligible'),
   c(2,1,1,1,1,1,9) ) ) )

all.equal(x1., x2)

## 2.  Test a case with a vote error in x

x1a <- cbind(x1, voterr=rep(
     c('notEligible', 'Y', 'notEligible'), c(7, 1, 8)))

x1a. <- try(mergeVote(x1a, votetst))


Missing or length 0


TRUE if x is missing or if length(x) is 0.





a formal argument as for missing


Only makes sense called from within another function


logical: TRUE if x is missing or if length(x) is 0.


Spencer Graves

See Also



tstFn <- function(x)missing0(x)
# missing 

all.equal(tstFn(), TRUE)

# length 0 

all.equal(tstFn(logical()), TRUE)

# supplied 

all.equal(tstFn(1), FALSE)

Zero characters or NULL


Returns TRUE if (is.null(x) || (length(x) == 0) || (max(nchar(x)) == 0)).


nchar0(x, ...)



a character vector or something that can be coerced to mode character


optional arguments to be passed to nchar


TRUE if x is either NULL or max(nchar(x)) == 0. FALSE otherwise.


Spencer Graves

See Also



all.equal(nchar0(NULL), TRUE)

all.equal(nchar0(character(0)), TRUE)

all.equal(nchar0(character(3)), TRUE)

all.equal(nchar0(c('a', 'c')), FALSE)

Create a new data.frame for predict


Generate a new data.frame or matrix from another with column(s) selected by x adopting n values in range(data[,x]) and all other columns constant.

If canbeNumeric(x) is TRUE, the output has x adopting n values in the range(x) and all other numeric variables at their median and other variables at their most common values.

If canbeNumeric(x) is FALSE, the output has x adopting all possible values of x with all other variables at the same constant values as when canbeNumeric(x) is TRUE (and n is ignored). If x has a levels attribute, the possible values are defined by that levels attribute. Otherwise, it is defined by unique(x).

This is designed to create a new data.frame to be used as newdata for predict.


Newdata(data, x, n, na.rm=TRUE)



a data.frame or matrix.


name of a column of data. If NA or NULL, select all columns of data.


an integer vector indicating the number of levels of data[, x] if canbeNumeric(datat[, x]). If canbeNumeric(datat[, x]) is FALSE, take at most n of the most popular levels.

Default is 2 if length(x) > 1 or if x is either NA or NULL.

If n = 1, use the median for canbeNumeric and the most popular level otherwise.

If n < 1, drop that variable.


logical passed to range(x)


1. Check data, x.

2. If canbeNumeric(x) is TRUE, let xNew be n values spanning range(x). Else, let xNew <- levels(x).

3. If is.null(xNew), set it to sort(unique(x)).

4. let newDat <- data[rep(1, n), ], and replace x by xNew.

5. otherVars <- colnames(data) != x

6. for(x2 in otherVars) replace newDat[, x2]: If canbeNumeric(x2) is TRUE, use median(x2). Otherwise, use its (first) most common value.


A data.frame with n rows and columns matching those of data, as described above.


Spencer Graves

See Also



## 1.  A reasonable test with numerics, dates, 
##     an ordered factor and character variables
xDate <- as.Date('2001-02-03')+1:4
tstDF <- data.frame(x1=1:4, xDate=xDate, 
  sex=ordered(c('M', 'F', 'M', 'F')), 
  huh=letters[c(1:3, 3)], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

newDat <- Newdata(tstDF, 'xDate', n=5)

# check
newD <- data.frame(x1=2.5, 
  xDate=xDate[1]+seq(0, 3, length=5), 
  sex=ordered(c('M', 'F', 'M', 'F'))[2], 
  huh=letters[3], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
attr(newD, 'out.attrs') <- attr(newDat, 'out.attrs')

all.equal(newDat, newD)

## 2.  Test with only one column 
newDat1 <- Newdata(tstDF[, 2, drop=FALSE], 'xDate', n=5)

# check 
newDat1. <- newD[, 2, drop=FALSE]
attr(newDat1., 'out.attrs') <- attr(newDat1, 'out.attrs')

all.equal(newDat1, newDat1.)

## 3.  Test with a factor 
newSex <- Newdata(tstDF, 'sex')

# check 
newS <- with(tstDF, data.frame(
  x1=2.5, xDate=xDate[1]+1.5, 
  sex=ordered(c('M', 'F'))[2:1], 
  huh=letters[3], stringsAsFactors=FALSE) )
attr(newS, 'out.attrs') <- attr(newSex, 'out.attrs')

all.equal(newSex, newS)

## 4.  Test with an integer column number 
newDat2 <- Newdata(tstDF, 2, n=5)

# check 

all.equal(newDat2, newD)

## 5.  Test with all
NewAll <- Newdata(tstDF)

# check 
tstLvls <- as.list(tstDF[c(1, 4), ])
tstLvls$sex <- tstDF$sex[2:1]
tstLvls$huh <- letters[c(3, 1)]
tstLvls$stringsAsFactors <- FALSE

NewA. <-, tstLvls)
attr(NewA., 'out.attrs') <- attr(NewAll, 'out.attrs')

all.equal(NewAll, NewA.)

Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics


as.numeric of character strings after suppressing commas and dollar signs. This is a generalization of parseDollars.


parseCommas(x, pattern='\\$|,', 
    replacement='', acceptableErrorRate=0, ...)
## Default S3 method:
    pattern='\\$|,', replacement='',
    acceptableErrorRate=0, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
    pattern='\\$|,', replacement='',
    acceptableErrorRate=0, ...)



vector of character strings to be converted to numerics


regular expression to be replaced by replacement


Character string to substitute for each occurrence of pattern


number indicating the proportion of new NAs to that can be introduced and still assume it's numeric


optional arguments to pass to gsub


as.numeric(gsub(x, ...))

The data.frame method outputs another data.frame with character or factor columns converted to numerics using parseDollars whenever that can be done without creating NAs.


Numeric vector converted from the character strings in x or a data.frame with columns that are obviously numbers in character format converted to numerics.


Spencer Graves

See Also

gsub as.numeric parseDollars


## 1.  a character vector
X2 <- c('-$2,500', '$5,000.50')
x2 <- parseDollars(X2)

all.equal(x2, c(-2500, 5000.5))

## A data.frame
chDF <- data.frame(let=letters[1:2], Dol=X2, dol=x2)
numDF <- parseCommas(chDF)

chkDF <- chDF
chkDF$Dol <- x2

all.equal(numDF, chkDF)

Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics


as.numeric of character strings after suppressing commas and dollar signs. This is a special case of parseCommas.


parseDollars(x, pattern='\\$|,', 
        replacement='', ...)



vector of character strings to be converted to numerics


regular expression to be replaced by replacement


Character string to substitute for each occurrence of pattern


optional arguments to pass to gsub


as.numeric(gsub(x, ...)). See also parseCommas.


Numeric vector converted from x.


Spencer Graves

See Also

gsub as.numeric parseCommas


## 1.  a character vector
X2 <- c('-$2,500', '$5,000.50')
x2 <- parseDollars(X2)

all.equal(x2, c(-2500, 5000.5))

## A data.frame
chDF <- data.frame(let=letters[1:2], Dol=X2, dol=x2)
numDF <- parseCommas(chDF)

chkDF <- chDF
chkDF$Dol <- x2

all.equal(numDF, chkDF)

Parse surname and given name


Identify the presumed surname in a character string assumed to represent a name and return the result in a character matrix with surname followed by givenName. If only one name is provided (without punctuation), it is assumed to be the givenName; see Wikipedia, "Given name" and "Surname".


    surnameFirst=(median(regexpr(',', x))>0),
    suffix=c('Jr.', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 
              'Sr.', 'Dr.', 'Jr', 'Sr'),
    namesNotFound="attr.replacement", ...)



a character vector


logical: If TRUE, the surname comes first followed by a comma (","), then the given name. If FALSE, parse the surname from a standard Western "John Smith, Jr." format. If missing(surnameFirst), use TRUE if half of the elements of x contain a comma.


character vector of strings that are NOT a surname but might appear at the end without a comma that would otherwise identify it as a suffix.


function to look for and repair nonstandard names such as names containing characters with accent marks that are sometimes mangled by different software. Use identity if this is not desired.


logical: If TRUE, delete anything following "\n" and return it as an attribute secondLine.


character vector passed to subNonStandardNames and used to compute any namesNotFound attribute of the object returned by parseName.


optional arguments passed to fixNonStandard


If surnameFirst is FALSE:

1. If the last character is ")" and the matching "(" is 3 characters earlier, drop all that stuff. Thus, "John Smith (AL)" becomes "John Smith".

2. Look for commas to identify a suffix like Jr. or III; remove and call the rest x2.

3. split <- strsplit(x2, " ")

4. Take the last as the surname.

5. If the "surname" found per 3 is in suffix, save to append it to the givenName and recurse to get the actual surname.

NOTE: This gives the wrong answer with double surnames written without a hyphen in the Spanish tradition, in which, e.g., "Anastasio Somoza Debayle", "Somoza Debayle" give the (first) surnames of Anastasio's father and mother, respectively: The current algorithm would return "Debayle" as the surname, which is incorrect.

6. Recompose the rest with any suffix as the givenName.


a character matrix with two columns: surname and givenName.

This matrix also has a namesNotFound attribute if one is returned by subNonStandardNames.


Spencer Graves

See Also

strsplit identity subNonStandardNames


## 1.  Parse standard first-last name format
tstParse <- c('Joe Smith (AL)', 'Teresa Angelica Sanchez de Gomez',
         'John Brown, Jr.', 'John Brown Jr.',
         'John W. Brown III', 'John Q. Brown,I',
         'Linda Rosa Smith-Johnson', 'Anastasio Somoza Debayle',
         'Ra_l Vel_zquez', 'Sting', 'Colette, ')
parsed <- parseName(tstParse)

tstParse2 <- matrix(c('Smith', 'Joe', 'Gomez', 'Teresa Angelica Sanchez de',
  'Brown', 'John, Jr.', 'Brown', 'John, Jr.',
  'Brown', 'John W., III', 'Brown', 'John Q., I',
  'Smith-Johnson', 'Linda Rosa', 'Debayle', 'Anastasio Somoza',
  'Velazquez', 'Raul', '', 'Sting', 'Colette', ''),
  ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
# NOTE:  The 'Anastasio Somoza Debayle' is in the Spanish tradition
# and is handled incorrectly by the current algorithm.
# The correct answer should be "Somoza Debayle", "Anastasio".
# However, fixing that would complicate the algorithm excessively for now.
colnames(tstParse2) <- c("surname", 'givenName')

all.equal(parsed, tstParse2)

## 2.  Parse "surname, given name" format
tst3 <- c('Smith (AL),Joe', 'Sanchez de Gomez, Teresa Angelica',
     'Brown, John, Jr.', 'Brown, John W., III', 'Brown, John Q., I',
     'Smith-Johnson, Linda Rosa', 'Somoza Debayle, Anastasio',
     'Vel_zquez, Ra_l', ', Sting', 'Colette,')
tst4 <- parseName(tst3)

tst5 <- matrix(c('Smith', 'Joe', 'Sanchez de Gomez', 'Teresa Angelica',
  'Brown', 'John, Jr.', 'Brown', 'John W., III', 'Brown', 'John Q., I',
  'Smith-Johnson', 'Linda Rosa', 'Somoza Debayle', 'Anastasio',
  'Velazquez', 'Raul', '','Sting', 'Colette',''),
  ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(tst5) <- c("surname", 'givenName')

all.equal(tst4, tst5)

## 3.  secondLine 
L2 <- parseName(c('Adam\n2nd line', 'Ed  \n --Vacancy', 'Frank'))

# check 
L2. <- matrix(c('', 'Adam', '', 'Ed', '', 'Frank'), 
              ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(L2.) <- c('surname', 'givenName')
attr(L2., 'secondLine') <- c('2nd line', ' --Vacancy', NA)

all.equal(L2, L2.)

## 4.  Force surnameFirst when in a minority 
snf <- c('Sting', 'Madonna', 'Smith, Al')
SNF <- parseName(snf, surnameFirst=TRUE)

# check 
SNF2 <- matrix(c('', 'Sting', '', 'Madonna', 'Smith', 'Al'), 
               ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(SNF2) <- c('surname', 'givenName')               

all.equal(SNF, SNF2)

## 5.  nameNotFound
noSub <- parseName('xx_x')

# check 
noSub. <- matrix(c('', 'xx_x'), 1)
colnames(noSub.) <- c('surname', 'givenName')               
attr(noSub., 'namesNotFound') <- 'xx_x'

all.equal(noSub, noSub.)

ping a Uniform resource locator (URL)



ping a Uniform resource locator (URL) or Internet Protocol (IP) address.

NOTE: Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) play games with "ping". That makes the results of Ping unreliable.


Ping(url, pingArgs='', warn=NA,



a character string of a URL or IP address to ping. If url is a vector of length greater than 1, only the first component is used.


arguments to pass to the ping command of typical operating systems via

pingResult <- system(paste('ping', pingArgs, url), intern=TRUE, ...)


value for options('warn') during the call to system. NA to not change options('warn') during this call.


argument for system.


1. urlSplit0 <- strsplit(url, '://')[[1]]

2. urlS0 <- urlSplit0[min(2, length(urlSplit0))]

3. host <- strsplit(urlS0, '/')[[1]][1]

4. pingCmd <- paste('ping', pingArgs, host)

5. system(pingCmd, intern=TRUE, ...)


list with the following components:


character vector of the raw results from the ping command


numeric vector of the times measured


numeric vector of numbers of packets sent, received, and lost


proportion lost = lost / sent


numeric vector of min, avg (mean), max, and mdev (standard deviation) of the measured round trip times


Spencer Graves

See Also

system, options


## Some ISPs play games with ping.
## Therefore, the results are not reliable.
## Not run: 
## good
(google <- Ping(' works on host not pages'))

with(google, (counts[1]>0) && (counts[3]<1))

## ping oops <<-- at one time, this failed.
##      However, with some ISPs, it works, so don't test it.

(couldnotfindhost <- Ping('oops'))

     length(grep('could not find host', rawResults))>0)

## impossible, but not so obvious
(requesttimedout <- Ping(''))

with(requesttimedout, (counts[1]>0) && (counts[2]<1) &&

## End(Not run)

Value matching or partial matching


pmatch2 returns a list of the positions of matches or partial matches of x in table.

This does sloppy matching to find "Peter" to match "Pete" only if "Pete" is not in table, and we want "John Peter" if neither "Pete" nor "Peter" are in table.


pmatch2(x, table)



the values to be matched


the values to be matched against


1. nx <- length(x); out <- vector(nx, "list"); names(out) <- x

2. for(ix in seq(length=nx)): 3. xi <- which(x[ix] %in% table)

4. if(length(xi)<1) xi <- grep(paste0('^', x[ix]), table).

5. if(length(xi)<1)xi <- grep(x[ix], table).

6. out[[ix]] <- xi


A list of integer vectors indicating the positions in table matching each element of x


Spencer Graves

See Also

match pmatch grep matchName


## 1.  common examples 
x2match <- c('Pete', 'Peter', 'Ma', 'Mo', 'Paul', 

tbl <- c('Peter', 'Mary', 'Martha', 'John Paul', 'Peter', 
         'Cardenas', 'Cardenas') 

x2mtchd <- pmatch2(x2match, tbl) 

# answer
x2mtchd. <- list(Pete=c(1, 5), Peter=c(1, 5), Ma=2:3, 
    Mo=integer(0), Paul=4, Cardenas=6:7)

all.equal(x2mtchd, x2mtchd.)

## 2.  strange cases that caused errors and are now warnings
huh <- pmatch2("(7", tbl)

# answer 
huh. <- list("(7"=integer(0))

all.equal(huh, huh.)

pmatch ignoring case


pmatch with an additional ignoreCase argument, returning a name not an index like pmatch (and returning a name if supplied a number, unlike pmatch, which coerces the input to numeric).


pmatchIC(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, 
  duplicates.ok = FALSE, 



the values to be matched. If is.numeric(x), pmatch2 returns table[x].

This is different from pmatch, which matches as.character(x).

Otherwise, if ignoreCase is TRUE, pmatchIC returns pmatch(tolower(x), tolower(table)).


the values to be matched against: converted to a character vector, per pmatch.


the value to be returned at non-matching or multiply partially matching positions.


should elements be in table be used more than once? (See pmatch for an example.)


logical: if TRUE and x is character, pmatchIC returns pmatch(tolower(x), tolower(table)).


A character vector of matches.


Spencer Graves

See Also



yr <- pmatchIC('Yr', c('y1', 'yr', 'y2'))

all.equal('yr', yr)

# integer
m2 <- pmatchIC(2, table=letters)

all.equal(m2, 'b')

Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols


Create a normal probability plot with one line and different symbols for the values of another variable, z.

qqnorm2 produces an object of class qqnorm2, whose plot method produces the plot.

To create a normal normal probability plots with multiple lines, see qqnorm2t or qqnorm2s:x.

  • qqnorm2s produces a plot with multiple lines specified either by different names in a character vector y or by different data.frames in a list data., with different points labeled according to the different levels of z.

  • qqnorm2t produces a plot with multiple lines with y split on different levels of x, optionally with different points labeled according to different levels of z.


qqnorm2(y, z,, datax=TRUE, pch=NULL, 
## S3 method for class 'qqnorm2'
plot(x, y, ...)
## S3 method for class 'qqnorm2'
lines(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'qqnorm2'
points(x, ...)



For qnorm2, y is a numeric vector for which a normal probability plot is desired.

For plot.qqnorm2, y is ignored; it is included, because the generic plot function requires it.


A variable to indicate different plotting symbols.

NOTE: is.logical(z) is replaced by z <- as.character(z).

Otherwise, pch[z] would delete symbols in pch for which z is FALSE and would recycle the remaining symbols. That would rarely be what we want.

logical: Should the result be plotted?


The datax argument of qqnorm: If TRUE, the data are displayed on the horizontal rather than the vertical axis. (The default value for datax is the opposite of that for qqnorm.)


an object of class qqnorm2.


a named vector of the plotting symbols to be used with names corresponding to the levels of z. If pch is provided, it must either have names corresponding to levels of z, or z must be integers between 1 and length(pch).

Otherwise, if z takes levels FALSE and TRUE (or 0 and 1), pch=c(4, 1) to plot an "x" for FALSE and "o" for TRUE.

Or if z assumes integer values between 0 and 255, by default, the symbols are chosen as described with points.

NOTE: *** points.qqnorm2 may not work properly for z being integer between 0 and 255. lines.qqnorm2 is more likely to work in such cases. *** No time to fix this as of 2018-01-20.

Otherwise, by default, z is coerced to character, and the result is plotted.


Optional arguments.

For plot.qqnorm2, they are passed to plot.

For qqnorm2, they are passed to qqnorm and to plot.qqnorm2.


For qqnorm2:

qq1. q2 <- qqnorm(y, datax=datax, ...)

qq2. q2[["z"]] <- z

qq3. q2[["pch"]] gets whatever pch decodes to.

qq4. Silently return(list(x, y, z, pch, ...)), where x and y are as returned by qqnorm in step 1 above. If pch is not provided and z is not logical or positive integers, then z itself will be plotted and pch will not be in the returned list.

For plot.qqnorm2:

plot1. plot(x\$x, x\$y, type="n", ...) with ... taking precedence over x, where the same plot argument appears in both.

plot2. if(type %in% c('l', 'b', 'c', 'o')) lines(x\$x, x\$y, ...)

plot3. if(type %in% c('p', 'b', 'o')): if(is.null(x\$z))points(x\$x, x\$y, ...) else if(is.logical(x\$z)) points(x\$x, x\$y, pch=x\$pch[x\$z], ...) else if(is.numeric(x\$z) && (min(z0 <- round(x\$z))>0) && (max(abs(x\$z-z0))<10*.Machine\$double.eps)) points(x\$x, x\$y, pch=x\$pch[x\$z], ...) else text(x\$x, x\$y, x\$z, ...)

For lines.qqnorm2 lines1. if(type != 'p')lines(x$x, x$y, ...);

lines2. if(type %in% c('p', 'b', 'o')) if(is.null(pch))text(x\$x, x\$y, x\$z, ...) else if(is.character(pch)) text(x\$x, x\$y, x\$pch[x\$z], ...) else points(x\$x, x\$y, pch=x\$pch[x\$z], ...)

For points.qqnorm2 points1. if(type %in% c('p', 'b', 'o')) if(is.null(pch))text(x\$x, x\$y, x\$z, ...) else if(is.character(pch)) text(x\$x, x\$y, x\$pch[x\$z], ...) else points(x\$x, x\$y, pch=x\$pch[x\$z], ...)

points2. if(!(type %in% c('p', 'n'))) lines(x$x, x$y, ...)


qqnorm2 returns a list with components, x, y, z, and pch.


Spencer Graves

See Also

qqnorm, qqnorm2s, qqnorm2t plot points lines


## a simple test data.frame to illustrate the plot
## but too small to illustrate qqnorm concepts
tstDF <- data.frame(y=1:3, z1=1:3, z2=c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
                    z3=c('tell', 'me', 'why'), z4=c(1, 2.4, 3.69) )
# plotting symbols circle, triangle, and "+"
qn1 <- with(tstDF, qqnorm2(y, z1))

# plotting symbols "x" and "o"
qn2 <- with(tstDF, qqnorm2(y, z2))

# plotting with "-" and "+"
qn. <- with(tstDF, qqnorm2(y, z2, pch=c('FALSE'='-', 'TRUE'='+')))

# plotting with "tell", "me", "why"
qn3 <- with(tstDF, qqnorm2(y, z3))

# plotting with the numeric values
qn4 <- with(tstDF, qqnorm2(y, z4))

## test plot, lines, points
plot(qn4, type='n') # establish the scales
lines(qn4)          # add a line
points(qn4)         # add points

## Check the objects created above
# check qn1
qn1. <- qqnorm(1:3, datax=TRUE,
qn1.$xlab <- 'y'
qn1.$ylab <- 'Normal scores'
qn1.$z <- tstDF$z1
qn1.$pch <- 1:3
names(qn1.$pch) <- 1:3
qn11 <- qn1.[c(3:4, 1:2, 5:6)]
class(qn11) <- 'qqnorm2'

all.equal(qn1, qn11)

# check qn2
qn2. <- qqnorm(1:3, datax=TRUE,
qn2.$xlab <- 'y'
qn2.$ylab <- 'Normal scores'
qn2.$z <- tstDF$z2
qn2.$pch <- c('FALSE'=4, 'TRUE'=1)
qn22 <- qn2.[c(3:4, 1:2, 5:6)]
class(qn22) <- 'qqnorm2'

all.equal(qn2, qn22)

# check qn.
qn.. <- qqnorm(1:3, datax=TRUE,
qn..$xlab <- 'y'
qn..$ylab <- 'Normal scores'
qn..$z <- tstDF$z2
qn..$pch <- c('FALSE'='-', 'TRUE'='+')
qn.2 <- qn..[c(3:4, 1:2, 5:6)]
class(qn.2) <- 'qqnorm2'

all.equal(qn., qn.2)

# check qn3
qn3. <- qqnorm(1:3, datax=TRUE,
qn3.$xlab <- 'y'
qn3.$ylab <- 'Normal scores'
qn3.$z <- as.character(tstDF$z3)
qn3.$pch <- as.character(tstDF$z3)
names(qn3.$pch) <- qn3.$pch
qn33 <- qn3.[c(3:4, 1:2, 5:6)]
class(qn33) <- 'qqnorm2'

all.equal(qn3, qn33)

# check qn4
qn4. <- qqnorm(1:3, datax=TRUE,
qn4.$xlab <- 'y'
qn4.$ylab <- 'Normal scores'
qn4.$z <- tstDF$z4
qn44 <- qn4.[c(3:4, 1:2, 5)]
qn44$pch <- NULL
class(qn44) <- 'qqnorm2'

all.equal(qn4, qn44)

## Test lines(qn4) without z
#  just as a test, so this code can be used 
#  in other contexts
qn4. <- qn4
qn4.$z <- NULL

Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols


Create a normal probability plot with one line for each y variable or each data.frame in a list data. with different plotting symbols for the values of z.

To create a normal probability plot with one y variable split on a link{factor} or character variable x, see qqnorm2t.

qqnorm2s produces an object of class qqnorm2s, whose plot method produces the plot.


qqnorm2s(y, z=NULL, data.,, 
    datax=TRUE, outnames=NULL, pch=NULL, 
    col=c(1:4, 6), legend.=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'qqnorm2s'
plot(x, y, ...)



a character vector of names of columns of data. for which normal probability plots are desired. data. is either a data.frame or a list of data.frames of the same length as y, with y[i] being the name of a column of the data.frame data.[[i]]. z is a similar character vector of names of columns of data., which identify symbols for plotting different points in a normal probability plot.

The lengths of y, and z must match the number of data.frames in data.; if not, the lengths of the shorter are replicated to the length of the longest before computations begin.

For plot.qqnorm2s, y is ignored; it is included, because the generic plot function requires it.


A character vector giving the names of columns of data. to indicate different plotting symbols. z should be the same length as y and must equal the number of data.frames in the list data. of data.frames. If not, the shorter are replicated to the length of the longer.


a data.frame or a list of data.frames with columns named in y and z.

logical: Should the result be plotted?


The datax argument of qqnorm: If TRUE, the data are displayed on the horizontal rather than the vertical axis. (The default value for datax is the opposite of that for qqnorm.)


Names for the components of the qqnorm2s object returned by the qqnorm2s function.


a named vector of the plotting symbols to be used with names corresponding to the levels of z.

By default, if z takes levels FALSE and TRUE (or 0 and 1), pch=c(4, 1) to plot a "x" for FALSE and "o" for TRUE.

If z assumes integer values between 0 and 255, by default, the symbols are chosen as described with points.

Otherwise, by default, z is coerced to character, and the result is plotted.

If pch is provided, it must either have names corresponding to levels of z, or z must be integers between 1 and length(pch).


A vector indicating the colors corresponding to each element of y. Defaults to rep(c(1:4, 6), length=length(y)), with 1:4 and 6 being black, red, green, blue, and pink.


an object of class qqnorm2.


A list with components pch and col providing information for legend to identify the plotting symbols (pch) and colors (col).

By default, pch = list(x='right', legend=names(qq2s[[1]][['pch']]), pch=qq2s[[1]][['pch']]), where qq2s is described below in details.

Similarly, by default, lines = list(x='bottomright', legend=y, lty=1, pch=NA, col=qq2s[[1]][['col']]).


Optional arguments.

For plot.qqnorm2s, they are passed to plot.

For qqnorm2s, they are passed to qqnorm2 and to plot.qqnorm2s.


For qqnorm2s:

1. Create qq2s = a list of objects of class qqnorm2

2. Add legend. to qq2s.

3. class(qq2s) <- 'qqnorm2s'

4. if(, ...)

5. Silently return(qq2s).

For plot.qqnorm2s, create a plot with one line for each variable named in y.


qqnorm2s returns a named list with components of class qqnorm2 with names = y with each component having an additional component col plus one called "legend.".


Spencer Graves

See Also

qqnorm2 plot


## One data.frame
tstDF2 <- data.frame(y=1:3, y2=3:5, 
    z2=c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
    z3=c('tell', 'me', 'why'), 
    z4=c(1, 2.4, 3.69) )
# produce the object and plot it
Qn2 <- qqnorm2s(c('y', 'y2'), 'z2', tstDF2)

# plot the object previously created

# Check the object
qy <- with(tstDF2, qqnorm2(y, z2, type='b'))
qy$col <- 1
qy2 <- with(tstDF2, qqnorm2(y2, z2, type='b'))
qy2$col <- 2
legend. <- list(
      legend=c('FALSE', 'TRUE'),
      pch=c('FALSE'=4, 'TRUE'= 1)),
      legend=c('y', 'y2'), lty=1, col=1:2))
Qn2. <- list(y=qy, y2=qy2, legend.=legend.)
class(Qn2.) <- 'qqnorm2s'

all.equal(Qn2, Qn2.)

## Two data.frames
tstDF2b <- tstDF2
tstDF2b$y <- c(0.1, 0.1, 9)
Qn2b <- qqnorm2s('y', 'z2', 
    list(tstDF2, tstDF2b), 
    outnames=c('ok', 'oops'), log='x' )
## Split one data.frame 
tstDF2. <- rbind(cbind(tstDF2, z1=1), 
                 cbind(tstDF2b, z1=2) )
Qn2. <- qqnorm2s('y', 'z1', tstDF2.)
# Plot has only one line, because only 1 y variable.  
## Two data.frames without z
Qn2.0 <- qqnorm2s('y', 
    data.=list(tstDF2, tstDF2b), 
    outnames=c('ok', 'oops'), log='x' )

Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols


Create a normal probability plot of y with one line for each level of a factor or character variable x and (optionally) different symbols for the different levels of a variable z.

To create a normal probability plot with one line for each of multiple y variables, see qqnorm2s.

To create a normal probability plot with one line and different symbols for each level of a variable z, see qqnorm2.


qqnorm2t(y, x, z=NULL, data.,, 
    datax=TRUE, outnames=NULL, pch=NULL, 
    col=c(1:4, 6), legend.=NULL, ...)



a character vector of length 1 with the name of a column of data. for which normal probability plots are desired, with one line for each level of x.


a factor or character vector indicating how to split y for plotting.


A character vector giving the name of a column of data. to indicate different plotting symbols.


a data.frame with columns named in y, x, and z.

logical: Should the result be plotted?


The datax argument of qqnorm: If TRUE, the data are displayed on the horizontal rather than the vertical axis. (The default value for datax is the opposite of that for qqnorm.)


Names for the components of the qqnorm2s object returned by the qqnorm2s function. Equal to the levels of x by default.


a named vector of the plotting symbols to be used with names corresponding to the levels of z.

By default, if z takes levels FALSE and TRUE (or 0 and 1), pch=c(4, 1) to plot a "x" for FALSE and "o" for TRUE.

If z assumes integer values between 0 and 255, by default, the symbols are chosen as described with points.

Otherwise, by default, z is coerced to character, and the result is plotted.

If pch is provided, it must either have names corresponding to levels of z, or z must be integers between 1 and length(pch).


A vector indicating the colors corresponding to each element of x. Defaults to rep(c(1:4, 6), length=length(x)), with 1:4 and 6 being black, red, green, blue, and pink.


A list with components pch and col providing information for legend to identify the plotting symbols (pch) and colors (col).

By default, pch = list(x='right', legend=names(qq2s[[1]][['pch']]), pch=qq2s[[1]][['pch']]), where qq2s is described below in details.

Similarly, by default, lines = list(x='bottomright', legend=y, lty=1, pch=NA, col=qq2s[[1]][['col']]).


Optional arguments.

For plot.qqnorm2s, they are passed to plot.

For qqnorm2s, they are passed to qqnorm2 and to plot.qqnorm2s.


data. is split by x and the result is passed to qqnorm2s


Returns an object of class qqnorm2s.


Spencer Graves

See Also

qqnorm2, qqnorm2s, plot


## One data.frame
tstDF2 <- data.frame(y=1:6, x=c('a','b'), 
    z2=c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
    z3=c('tell', 'me', 'why') )
# produce the object and plot it
Qnt <- qqnorm2t('y', 'x', 'z2', tstDF2)

# plot the object previously created

Qnt0 <- qqnorm2t('y', 'x', data.=tstDF2)
# without z 
qqnorm2t('y', 'x', data.=tstDF2)

rasterImage adjusting to zero distortion


Call rasterImage to plot image from (xleft, ybottom) to either xright or ytop, shrinking one toward the center to avoid distortion.

angle specifies a rotation around the midpoint ((xleft+xright)/2, (ybottom+ytop)/2). This is different from rasterImage, which rotates around (xleft, ybottom).

NOTE: The code may change in the future. The visual image with rotation looks a little off in the examples below, but the code seems correct. If you find an example where this is obviously off, please report to the maintainer – especially if you find a fix for this.


rasterImageAdj(image, xleft=par('usr')[1], 
    ybottom=par('usr')[3], xright=par('usr')[2], 
    ytop=par('usr')[4], angle = 0, interpolate = TRUE, 
    xsub=NULL, ysub=NULL, ...)



a raster object, or an object that can be coerced to one by as.raster.


a vector (or scalar) of left x positions.


a vector (or scalar) of bottom y positions.


a vector (or scalar) of right x positions.


a vector (or scalar) of top y positions.


angle of rotation in degrees, anti-clockwise about the centroid of image.

NOTE: rasterImage rotates around (xleft, ybottom). rasterImage rotates around the center ((xleft+xright)/2, (ybottom+ytop)/2). See the examples.


a logical vector (or scalar) indicating whether to apply linear interpolation to the image when drawing.

xsub, ysub

subscripts to subset image


graphical parameters (see par).


1. imagePixels = number of (x, y) pixels in image. Do this using dim(as.raster(image))[2:1], because the first dimension of image can be either x or y depending on class(image). For example link[EBImage]{Image} returns dim with x first then y and an optional third dimension for color. A simple 3-dimensional array is assumed by rasterImage to have the y dimension first. as.raster puts all these in a standard format with y first, then x.

2. imageUnits <- c(x=xright-xleft, ytop-ybottom)

3. xyinches = (x, y) units per inch in the current plot, obtained from xyinch.

4. Compute pixel density (pixels per inch) in both x and y dimension: pixelsPerInch <- imagePixels * xyinches / imageUnits.

5. Compute imageUnitsAdj solving 4 for imageUnits and replacing pixelsPerInch by the max pixel density: imageUnitsAdj <- imagePixels * xyinches / max(pixelsPerInch).

6. (dX, dY) = imageUnitsAdj/2 = half of the (width, height) in plotting units.

7. cntr = (xleft, ybottom) + (dX, dY).

xleft0 = cntr[1]+sin((angle-90)*pi/180)*dX*sqrt(2);

ybottom0= cntr[2]-cos((angle-90)*pi/180)*dY*sqrt(2);

(xright0, ytop0) = (upper right without rotation about lower left)

xright0 = xleft0+imageUnitsAdj[2]

ytop0 = ybottom0+imageUnitsAdj[2]

8. rasterImage(image, xleft0, ybottom0, xright0, ytop0, angle, interpolate, ...)


a named vector giving the values of xleft, ybottom, xright, and ytop passed to rasterImage. (rasterImage returns NULL, at least for some inputs.) This shows the adjustment, shrinking toward the center and rotating as desired.


Spencer Graves

See Also



# something to plot 
logo.jpg <- file.path(R.home('doc'), 'html', 'logo.jpg')
## 1.  Shrink as required
  Rlogo <- try(readJPEG(logo.jpg))
  if(inherits(Rlogo, 'array')){  
    all.equal(dim(Rlogo), c(76, 100, 3))

# default

    plot(1:2, type='n', asp=0.75)
# Tall and thin
    rasterImage(Rlogo, 1, 1, 1.2, 2)
# Fix
    rasterImageAdj(Rlogo, 1.2, 1, 1.4, 2)

# short and wide
    rasterImage(Rlogo, 1.4, 1, 2, 1.2)
# Fix
    rasterImage(Rlogo, 1.4, 1.2, 2, 1.4)
## 2.  rotate 
#  2.1.  angle=90:  rasterImage left of rasterImageAdj
    plot(0:1, 0:1, type='n', asp=1)
    rasterImageAdj(Rlogo, .5, .5, 1, 1, 90)
    rasterImage(Rlogo, .5, .5, 1, 1, 90)
#  2.2.  angle=180:  rasterImage left and below 
    plot(0:1, 0:1, type='n', asp=1)
    rasterImageAdj(Rlogo, .5, .5, 1, 1, 180)
    rasterImage(Rlogo, .5, .5, 1, 1, 180)
#  2.3.  angle=270:  rasterImage below 
    plot(0:1, 0:1, type='n', asp=1)
    rasterImageAdj(Rlogo, .5, .5, 1, 1, 270)
    rasterImage(Rlogo, .5, .5, 1, 1, 270)
## 3.  subset 
# 76 100 3
  Rraster <- as.raster(Rlogo)
# 76 100:  
# x=1:100, left to right 
# y=1:76, top to bottom 
  rasterImageAdj(Rlogo, 0, 0, .5, .5, xsub=40:94)

Read a data table in transpose form


Read a text (e.g., csv) file, find rows with more than 3 sep characters. Parse the initial contiguous block of those into a matrix. Add attributes headers, footers, and a summary.

The initial application for this function is to read "Table 6.16. Income and employment by industry" in the National Income and Product Account (NIPA) tables published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the United States Department of Commerce.


read.transpose(file, header=TRUE, sep=',',
               na.strings='---', ...)



the name of a file from which the data are to be read.


Logical: Is the second column of the identified data matrix to be interpreted as variable names?


The field space separator character.


character string(s) that translate into NA


optional arguments for strsplit


1. txt <- readLines(file)

2. Split into fields.

3. Identify headers, Data, footers.

4. Recombine the second component of each Data row if necessary so all have the same number of fields.

5. Extract variable names

6. Numbers?

7. return the transpose


A matrix of the transpose of the rows with the max number of fields with attributes headers, footers, other, and summary. If this matrix can be coerced to numeric with no NAs, it will be. Otherwise, it will be left as character.


Spencer Graves


Table 6.16. Income and employment by industry in the National Income and Product Account (NIPA) tables published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the United States Department of Commerce. As of February 2013, there were 4 such tables available: Table 6.16A, 6.16B, 6.16C and 6.16D. Each of the last three are available in annual and quarterly summaries. The USFinanceIndustry data combined the first 4 rows of the 4 annual summary tables.

NOTE: The structure of the BEA web site seems to have changes between 2013 and 2022. As of 2022-07-01 it does not seem easy to find these tables at the BEA website.

Line 5 in the sample tables saved in 2013 contained "a non-breaking space in Latin-1", which was not a valid code in UTF-8 and was rejected by a development version of R. Since it wasn't easy to update those tables, the "non-breaking spaces" were replaced with " ".

See Also

read.table readLines strsplit


#  Find demoFiles/*.csv
demoDir <- system.file('demoFiles', package='Ecdat')
(demoCsv <- dir(demoDir, pattern='csv$', full.names=TRUE))

# Use the fourth example
# to ensure the code will handle commas in a name
# and NAs
nipa6.16D <- read.transpose(demoCsv[4])

read.csv with Dates in 3 columns


read.csv, converting 3-column dates into vectors of class Date.


readDates3to1(file, YMD=c('Year', 'Month', 'Day'), 



the name of a file from which the data are to be read.


Character vector of length 3 passed to dateCols


optional arguments for read.csv


Some files (e.g., from the Correlates of War project) have dates specified in three separate columns with names like startMonth1, startDay1, startYear1, endMonth1, ..., endYear2. This function looks for such triples and replaces each found with a single column with a name like, start1, end1, ..., end2.


1. dat <- read.csv(file, ...)

2. Dates3to1(dat, YMD)


a data.frame with 3-column dates replace by single-column vectors of class Date.


Spencer Graves

See Also

read.csv Dates3to1 dateCols


## 1.  Write a file to be read
cow0 <- data.frame(rec=1:3, startMonth=4:6, 
    startDay=7:9, startYear=1971:1973, 
    endMonth1=10:12, endDay1=13:15, 
    endYear1=1974:1976, txt=letters[1:3])

cowFile <- tempfile('cow0')    
write.csv(cow0, cowFile, row.names=FALSE)
## 2.  Read it 
cow0. <- readDates3to1(cowFile)

# check 
cow0x <- data.frame(rec=1:3, txt=letters[1:3], 
    start=as.Date(c('1971-04-07', '1972-05-08', '1973-06-09')), 
    end1=as.Date(c('1974-10-13', '1975-11-14', '1976-12-15')) )

all.equal(cow0., cow0x)

Read the DW-NOMINATE data from their website.


Read the DW-NOMINATE data from their website using read_csv, adding a Year = 2*congress+1787, which is the first year of each 2-year congress.





file argument passed to read_csv.


optional arguments for read_csv.


This is written to make it easy for users to download the DW-NOMINATE data from their website, assuming it should be easier to remember readDW_NOMINATE than



a tibble with columns


number of the Congress starting with 1 in 1789.


character 'House', 'Senate' or 'President'


number icpsr (number assigned by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)).


number for the state used by ICPSR.


number between 0 and 99 indicating the district number within the state. This is 0 when (chamber %in% c('President', 'Senate') and occasionally when (chamber == 'House'). "At-large" members of the US House are coded 98 or 99. There were some before 1970. However, as of 2024-10-01, but there have been none since 1970.


Either 'USA' or a 2-letter abbreviation for this state in the US.


positive numeric. As of 2024-09-30, over 80 percent of the members of Congress since 1857 have been either 100 (Democrats) or 200 (Republicans), and since 1943, less than 1 percent of the US Congress has not been either 100 or 200.

occupancy, last_means

numeric = 0:7 or 'NA' with all 'NA's prior to 2017.


character name of politician, starting with "WASHINGTON, George".


character The ID code used by the Biographical directory of the United States Congress, being the first character of the last name of the person followed by a 6-digit number or 'NA' for US Presidents who were never members of Congress.

born, died

numeric 4-digit birth year or 'NA'

nominate_dim1, nominate_dim2

numeric between -1 or 1 or 'NA' described in Poole (2005).


numeric negative number or 'NA'


numeric number between 0 and 1 or 'NA'


numeric positive number or 'NA'


numeric nonnegative number or 'NA'


logical or 'NA'

nokken_poole_dim1, nokken_poole_dim2

numeric between -1 or 1 or 'NA' described by Nokken and Poole (2004).


numeric First year of each 2-year computed from congress as (2*congress+1787).


Spencer Graves


Embedded in an R Markdown vignette by UCLA political science professor Jeff Lewis in the voteview project on 'GitHub'.

References website.

Timothy P. Nokken and Keith T. Poole (2004) "Congressional Party Defection in American History." Legislative Studies Quarterly, 29:545-568,.

Keith T. Poole (2005) Spatial models of parliamentary voting (Cambridge U. Pr.).

See Also



# Wrap in try(...) so it won't throw an error 
# if the Voteview website is not available. 

Nominate <- try(readDW_NOMINATE())

Read a National Income and Product Accounts data table


Read multiple files with data in rows using read.transpose and combine the initial columns.


readNIPA(files, sep.footnote='/', ...)



A character vector of names of files from which the data are to be read using read.transpose.


a single character to identify footnote references in the variable names in some but not all of files.


optional arguments for read.transpose


This is written first and foremost to facilitate updating USFinanceIndustry from Table 6.16: Income and employment by industry in the National Income and Product Account tables published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce. As of February 2013, this table can be obtained from Under "U.S. Economic Accounts", first select "Corporate Profits" under "National". Then next to "Interactive Tables", select, "National Income and Product Accounts Tables". From there, select "Begin using the data...". Under "Section 6 - income and employment by industry", select each of the tables starting "Table 6.16". As of February 2013, there were 4 such tables available: Table 6.16A, 6.16B, 6.16C and 6.16D. Each of the last three are available in annual and quarterly summaries. The USFinanceIndustry data combined the first 4 rows of the 4 annual summary tables.

This is available in 4 separate files, which must be downloaded and combined using readNIPA. The first three of these are historical data and are rarely revised. For convenience and for testing, they are provided in the demoFiles subdirectory of this Ecdat package.

It has not been tested on other data but should work for annual data with a sufficiently similar structure.

The algorithm proceeds as follows:

1. Data <- lapply(files, read.transpose)

2. Is Data a list of numeric matrices? If no, print an error.

3. cbind common initial variables, averaging overlapping years, reporting percent difference

4. attributes: stats from files and overlap. Stats include the first and last year and the last revision date for each file, plus the number of years overlap with the previous file and the relative change in the common files kept between those two files.


a matrix of the common variables


Spencer Graves


United States Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis National Income and Product Account tables

See Also

read.table readLines strsplit


#  Find demoFiles/*.csv
demoDir <- system.file('demoFiles', package='Ecdat')
(demoCsv <- dir(demoDir, pattern='csv$', full.names=TRUE))

nipa6.16 <- readNIPA(demoCsv)

bivariate recode


Recode x1 and x2 per the lexical codes table.


recode2(x1, x2, codes)


x1, x2

vectors of the same length assuming a discrete number of levels


a 2-dimensional matrix indexed by the levels of x1 and x2. If dimnames(codes) are not provided, they are assumed to unique(x1) (or unique(x2)).


1. If length(x1) != length(x2), complain.

2. if(is.logical(x1)) l1 <- c(FALSE, TRUE) else l1 <- unique(x1); ditto for x2.

3. If(missing(codes)) codes <- outer(unique(x1), unique(x2))

4. if(is.null(dim(codes))) dim(codes) <- c(length(unique(x1)), length(unique(x2)))

5. If is.null(rownames(codes)), set as follows: If nrow(codes) == length(unique(x1)), rownames(codes) <- unique(x1). Else, if nrow(codes) = max(x1), set rownames(codes) <- seq(1, max(x1)). Else throw an error. Ditto for colnames, ncol, and x2.

6. codes[x1, x2]


a vector of the same length as x1 and x2.


Spencer Graves

See Also

dim rownames link{colnames}


contrib <- c(-1, 0, 0, 1)
contrib0 <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)

contribCodes <- recode2(contrib>0, contrib0,
   c('returned', 'received', '0', 'ERR') )

cC <- c('returned', 'returned', '0', 'received')

all.equal(contribCodes, cC)

Reverse grep


Find which pattern matches x.


rgrep(pattern, x, = FALSE, 
  perl = FALSE, value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE,
  useBytes = FALSE, invert = FALSE)



a character vector of regular expressions to be matched to x


a character string or vector for which a matching regular expression is desired., perl, value, fixed, useBytes, invert

as for grep


1. np <- length(pattern)

2. g. <- rep(NA, np)

3. for(i in seq(length=np)){ g.[i] <- (length(grep(pattern[i], x))>0) }

4. return(which(g.))


an integer vector of indices of elements of pattern with a match in x.


Spencer Graves

See Also

grep, pmatch


## 1.  return index 
dd <- data.frame(a = gl(3,4), b = gl(4,1,12)) # balanced 2-way
mm <- model.matrix(~ a + b, dd)

b. <- rgrep(names(dd), colnames(mm)[5])
# check 

all.equal(b., 2)

## 2.  return value 
bv <- rgrep(names(dd), colnames(mm)[5], value=TRUE)
# check 

all.equal(bv, 'b')

Sign function with zero option


sign returns a vector with the signs of the corresponding elements of x, being 1, zero, or -1 if the number is positive, zero or negative, respectively.

This generalizes the sign function in the base package to allow something other than 0 as the the "sign" of 0.


sign(x, zero=0L)



a numeric vector for which signs are desired


an integer value to be assigned for x==0.


an integer vector of the same length as x assuming values 1, zero and -1, as discussed above.

See Also



## 1.  default
sx <- sign((-2):2)

# check 

all.equal(sx, base::sign((-2):2))

## 2.  with zero = 1
s1 <- sign((-2):2, 1)

# check 

all.equal(s1, rep(c(-1, 1), c(2,3)))

A "simulate" method for a BMA::bic.glm object


Simulate predictions for newdata for a model of class bic.glm.

NOTES: The stats package has a simulate method for "lm" objects which is used for lm and glm objects. This simulate.bic.glm function differs from the stats::simulate function in the same two fundamental and important ways as the simulate.glm function:

  1. stats::simulate returns simulated data consistent with the model fit assuming the estimated model parameters are true and exact, i.e., ignoring the uncertainty in parameter estimation. Thus, if family = poisson, stats::simulate returns nonnegative integers.

    By contrast the simulate.bic.glm function documented here returns optionally simulated coef (coefficients) plus simulated values for the link and / or response but currently NOT pseudo-random numbers on the scale of the response.

  2. The simulate.bic.glm function documented here also accepts an optional newdata argument, not accepted by stats::simulate. The stats::simulate function only returns simulated values for the cases in the training set with no possibilities for use for different sets of conditions.


## S3 method for class 'bic.glm'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, 
    seed = NULL, newdata=NULL, 
    type = c("coef", "link", "response"), ...)



an object representing a fitted model of class bic.glm.


number of response vectors to simulate. Defaults to 1.


Argument passed as the first argument to set.seed if not NULL.


optionally, a data.frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, predictors used in fitting are used.


the type of simulations required.

  • coef: type = "coef" returns pseudo- random numbers generated by mvtnorm::rmvnorm with mean = coef and sigma = vcov for the component of the BMA mixture randomly selected for each simulation. (Obviously, this does not use newdata.)

  • link: type='link' returns simulations on the scale of the linear predictors using rmvnorm applied to randomly selected components of the mixture with mean = coef and sigma = vcov for that component. For a default binomial model, these are of log-odds (probabilities on logit scale).

  • response: object[['linkinv']] of type = 'link'. For a binomial model, these are predicted probabilities.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


1. Save current seed and optionally set it using code copied from stats:::simulate.lm.

2. postprob <- object[['postprob']]; x <- object[['x']]; y <- object[['y']]; mle <- object[['mle']]; linkinv <- object[['linkinv']].

3. cl <- as.list(object[['call']]); wt <- cl[['wt']]; fam <- cl[['']]

4. if(is.null(newdata))newdata <- x else ensure that all levels of factors of newdata match x.

5. xMat <- model.matrix(~., x); newMat <- model.matrix(~., newdata)

6. nComponents <- length(postprob); nobs <- NROW(newdata)

7. sims <- matrix(NA, nobs, nsim)

8. rmdl <- sample(1:nComponents, nsims, TRUE, postprob)

9. for(Comp in 1:nComponents) nsimComp <- sum(rmdl==Comp); refitComp <-[, mle[Comp,]!=0], y, wt, mle[Comp, mle[Comp,]!=0], family=fam); simCoef <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsimComp, coef (refitComp), vcov(rfitComp)); sims[rmdl==Comp, ] <- tcrossprod(newMat[, mle[Comp,]!=0], simCoef)

10. If length(type) == 1: return a data.frame with one column for each desired simulation, consistent with the behavior of the generic simulate applied to objects of class lm or glm. Otherwise, return a list of data.frames of the desired types.


Returns either a data.frame or a list of data.frames depending on 'type':


a data.frame with nsim columns and one row for each variable in the max model. Values are non-zero for variables in the model in the BMA mixture selected for that simulation. The non-zero values are generated using mvtnorm::rmvnorm with mean = coef and covariance matrix = vcov of the model fit to the subset of variables in that component model.


a data.frame with nsim columns of nobs values each giving the simulations on the link scale for each row in newdata (or the training set if newdata is not provided).


a data.frame with nsim columns of nobs values each giving the simulations on the response scale, being linkinv of the simulations on the link scale.

if length(type)>1

a list with simulations on the desired scales.

The value also has an attribute "seed". If argument seed is NULL, the attribute is the value of .Random.seed before the simulation started. Otherwise it is the value of the argument with a "kind" attribute with value as.list(RNGkind()).

NOTE: This function currently may not work with a model fit that involves a multivariate link or response.


Spencer Graves

See Also

simulate simulate.glm bic.glm predict.bic.glm set.seed rmvnorm


## 1.  a factor and a numeric 
PoisReg2 <- data.frame(
  x=factor(rep(0:2, 2)), x1=rep(1:2, e=3))
bicGLM2 <- bic.glm(PoisReg2, y=1:6, poisson)

newDat2 <- data.frame(
  x=factor(rep(c(0, 2), 2), levels=0:2), 
# NOTE:  Force newDat2['x'] to have the same levels
# as PoisReg2['x']

bicGLMsim2n <- simulate(bicGLM2, nsim=5, seed=2,

## 2.  One variable:  BMA returns
##     a mixture of constant & linear models
PoisRegDat <- data.frame(x=1:2, y=c(5, 10))
bicGLMex <- bic.glm(PoisRegDat['x'], 
                     PoisRegDat[, 'y'], poisson)
(postprob <- bicGLMex[['postprob']])

# Simulate for the model data 
bicGLMsim <- simulate(bicGLMex, nsim=2, seed=1)  

# Simulate for new data
newDat <- data.frame(x=3:4, 
      row.names=paste0('f', 3:4))
bicGLMsin <- simulate(bicGLMex, nsim=3, seed=2, 
# Refit with bic.glm.matrix and confirm 
# that simulate returns the same answers

bicGLMat <- bic.glm(as.matrix(PoisRegDat['x']), 
                         PoisRegDat[, 'y'], poisson)
bicGLMatsim <- simulate(bicGLMat, nsim=3, seed=2, 
all.equal(bicGLMsin, bicGLMatsim)                      

# The same problem using bic.glm.formula                  
bicGLMfmla <- bic.glm(y ~ x, PoisRegDat, poisson)
bicGLMfmlsim <- simulate(bicGLMfmla, nsim=3, seed=2, 
all.equal(bicGLMsin, bicGLMfmlsim)                      

## 2a.  Compute the correct answers manually 
GLMex1 <- glm(y~x, poisson, PoisRegDat)
GLMex0 <- glm(y~1, poisson, PoisRegDat)

postProb <- bicGLMfmla$postprob
nComp <- length(postProb)
newMat <- model.matrix(~., newDat)
(rmdl <- sample(1:nComp, 3, TRUE, 
GLMsim. <- matrix(NA, 2, 3)
dimnames(GLMsim.) <- list(
  paste0('sim_', 1:3) )
sim1 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(2, coef(GLMex1), 
sim0 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, coef(GLMex0), 
GLMsim.[, rmdl==1] <- tcrossprod(newMat, sim1)
GLMsim.[, rmdl==2] <- tcrossprod(
          newMat[, 1, drop=FALSE], sim0)

all.equal(bicGLMsin[[2]], data.frame(GLMsim.), 
# tcrossprod numeric precision is mediocre 
# for the constant model in this example.

A "simulate" method for a glm object


Simulate predictions for newdata for a model of class glm with mean coef(object) and variance vcov(object).

NOTES: The stats package has a simulate method for "lm" objects which is used for lm and glm objects. It differs from the current simulate.glm function in two fundamental and important ways:

  1. stats::simulate returns simulated data consistent with the model fit assuming the estimated model parameters are true and exact, i.e., ignoring the uncertainty in parameter estimation. Thus, if family = poisson, stats::simulate returns nonnegative integers.

    By contrast the simulate.glm function documented here returns optionally simulated coef (coefficients) plus simulated values for the link and / or response but currently NOT pseudo-random numbers on the scale of the response.

  2. The simulate.glm function documented here also accepts an optional newdata argument, not accepted by stats::simulate. The stats::simulate function only returns simulated values for the cases in the training set with no possibilities for use for different sets of conditions.


## S3 method for class 'glm'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, 
    seed = NULL, newdata=NULL, 
    type = c("coef", "link", "response"), ...)



an object representing a fitted model of class glm.


number of response vectors to simulate. Defaults to 1.


Argument passed as the first argument to set.seed if not NULL.


optionally, a data.frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, predictors used in fitting are used.


the type of simulations required.

  • coef: Simulated coefficents using mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsim, coef(object), vcov(object)).

  • link: The default type='link' is on the scale of the linear predictors using rmvnorm applied to randomly selected components of the mixture with mean = coef and sigma = vcov for that component. For a default binomial model, these are of log-odds (probabilities on logit scale).

  • response: object[['linkinv']] of type = 'link'. For a binomial model, these are predicted probabilities.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


1. Save current seed and optionally set it using code copied from stats:::simulate.lm.

2. if(is.null(newdata))newdata gets the data used in the call to glm.

3. newMat <- model.matrix(~., newdata)

4. simCoef <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsim, coef(object), vcov(object))

5. sims <- tcrossprod(newMat, simCoef)

6. If length(type) == 1: return a data.frame with one column for each desired simulation, consistent with the behavior of the generic simulate applied to objects of class lm or glm. Otherwise, return a list of data.frames of the desired types.


Returns either a data.frame or a list of data.frames depending on 'type':


a data.frame with nsim columns giving simulated parameters generated using mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsim, coef(object), vcov(object)).


a data.frame with nsim columns of nobs values each giving the simulations on the link scale by applying each set of simulated coefficients to newdata (or to the training set of newdata is not supplied).


a data.frame with nsim columns of nobs values each giving the simulations on the response scale, being linkinv of the simulations on the link scale.

if length(type)>1

a list with simulations on the desired scales.

The value also has an attribute "seed". If argument seed is NULL, the attribute is the value of .Random.seed before the simulation started. Otherwise it is the value of the argument with a kind attribute with value as.list(RNGkind()).

NOTE: This function currently may not work with a model fit that involves a multivariate link or response.


Spencer Graves

See Also

simulate glm predict.glm set.seed


## 1.  a factor and a numeric 
PoisReg2 <- data.frame(y=1:6, 
    x=factor(rep(0:2, 2)), x1=rep(1:2, e=3))
GLMpoisR2 <- glm(y~x+x1, poisson, PoisReg2)

newDat. <- data.frame(
  x=factor(rep(c(0, 2), 2), levels=0:2), 
# NOTE:  Force newDat2['x'] to have the same levels
# as PoisReg2['x']

GLMsim2n <- simulate(GLMpoisR2, nsim=3, seed=2,

## 2.  One variable:  BMA returns
##     a mixture of constant & linear models
PoisRegDat <- data.frame(x=1:2, y=c(5, 10))
GLMex <- glm(y~x, poisson, PoisRegDat)

# Simulate for the model data 
GLMsig <- simulate(GLMex, nsim=2, seed=1)  

# Simulate for new data
newDat <- data.frame(x=3:4, 
      row.names=paste0('f', 3:4))
GLMsio <- simulate(GLMex, nsim=3, seed=2, 

## 2a.  Compute the correct answers manually 
newMat <- model.matrix(~., newDat)
RNGstate <- structure(2, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))

sim <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(3, coef(GLMex), 
rownames(sim) <- paste0('sim_', 1:3)
simDF <- data.frame(t(sim))

GLMsim.l <- tcrossprod(newMat, sim)
colnames(GLMsim.l) <- paste0('sim_', 1:3)
GLMsim.r <- exp(GLMsim.l) 
GLMsim2 <- list(coef=simDF, 
  response=data.frame(GLMsim.r) )
attr(GLMsim2, 'seed') <- RNGstate  

all.equal(GLMsio, GLMsim2)

Split the first field


Split the first field from x, identified as all the characters preceding the first unquoted occurrence of split.


strsplit1(x, split=',', Quote='"', ...)



a character vector to be split


the split character


a quote character: Occurrences of split between pairs of Quote are ignored.


optional arguments for grep


This function was written to help parse data from the US Department of Health and Human Services on cyber-security breaches affecting 500 or more individuals. As of 2014-06-03 the csv version of these data included commas in quotes that are not sep characters. This function was written to split the fields one at a time to allow manual processing to make it easier to correct parsing errors.


1. spl1 <- regexpr(split, x, ...)

2. Qt1 <- regexpr(Quote, x, ...)

3. For any (Qt1<spl1), look for Qt2 <- regexpr(Quote, substring(x, Qt1+1)), then look for spl1 <- regexpr(split, substring(x, Qt1+Qt2+1))

4. out <- list(substr(x, 1, spl1-1), substr(x, spl1+1))


A list of length 2: The first component of the list contains the character strings found before the first unquoted occurrence of split. The second component contains the character strings remaining after the characters up to the identified split are removed.


Spencer Graves

See Also

strsplit substring grep


chars2split <- c(qs00='abcdefg', qs01='abc,def', 
   qs10a='"abcdefg', qs10b='abc"defg', 
   qs1.1='"abc,def', qs20='"abc" def', 
   qs2.1='"ab,c" def', qs21='"abc", def', qs22.1='"a,b",c')    

split <- strsplit1(chars2split)

# answer
split. <- list(c(qs00='abcdefg', qs01='abc', qs10a='"abcdefg', 
   qs10b='abc"defg', qs1.1='"abc,def', qs20='"abc" def', 
   qs2.1='"ab,c" def', qs21='"abc"', qs22.1='"a,b"'), 
               c(qs00='', qs01='def', qs10a='', 
   qs10b='', qs1.1='', qs20='', qs2.1='', 
   qs21=' def', qs22.1='c') )

all.equal(split, split.)

sub nonstandard characters with replacement


First convert to ASCII, stripping standard accents and special characters. Then find the first and last character not in standardCharacters and replace all between them with replacement. For example, a string like "Ruben" where "e" carries an accent and is mangled by some software would become something like "Rub_n" using the default values for standardCharacters and replacement.


   standardCharacters=c(letters, LETTERS, 
      ' ','.', '?', '!', ',', 0:9, '/', '*', 
      '$', '%', '\"', "\'", '-', '+', '&', 
      '_', ';', '(', ')', '[', ']', '\n'),
   gsubList=list(list(pattern = 
      replacement='\"')), ... )



character vector in which it is desired to find the first and last character not in standardCharacters and replace that substring by replacement.


a character vector of acceptable characters to keep.


a character to replace the substring starting and ending with characters not in standardCharacters.


list of lists of pattern and replacement arguments to be called in succession before looking for nonStandardCharacters


optional arguments passed to strsplit


1. for(il in 1:length(gsubList)) x <- gsub(gsubList[[il]][["pattern"]], gsubList[[il]][['replacement']], x)

2. x <- stringi::stri_trans_general(x, "Latin-ASCII")

3. nx <- length(x)

4. x. <- strsplit(x, "", ...)

5. for(ix in 1:nx) find the first and last standardCharacters in x.[ix] and substitute replacement for everything in between.


** To find the elements of x that have changed, use either subNonStandardCharacters(x) != x or grep(replacement, subNonStandardCharacters(x)), where replacement is the replacement argument = "_" by default.

** On 13 May 2013 Jeff Newmiller at the University of California, Davis, wrote, 'I think it is a fools errand to think that you can automatically "normalize" arbitrary Unicode characters to an ASCII form that everyone will agree on.' (This was a reply on [email protected], subject: "Re: [R] Matching names with non-English characters".)

** On 2014-12-15 Ista Zahn suggested stri_trans_general. (This was a reply on [email protected], subject: "[R] Comparing Latin characters with and without accents?".)


a character vector with everything between the first and last character not in standardCharacters replaced by replacement.


Spencer Graves with thanks to Jeff Newmiller, who described this as a "fool's errand", Milan Bouchet-Valat, who directed me to iconv, and Ista Zahn, who suggested stri_trans_general.

See Also

sub, strsplit, grepNonStandardCharacters, subNonStandardNames subNonStandardNames iconv in the base package does some conversion, but is not consistent across platforms, at least using R 3.1.2 on 2015-01.25. stri_trans_general seems better.


## 1. Consider Names = Ruben, Avila and Jose, where 
##    "e" and "A" in these examples carry an accent.  
##    With the default values for standardCharacters and
##    replacement, these might be converted to something
##    like Rub_n, _vila, and Jos_, with different software
##    possibly mangling the names differently.  (The
##    standard checks for R packages in an English locale 
##    complains about non-ASCII characters, because they
##    are not portable.)
nonstdNames <- c('Ra`l', 'Ra`', '`l', 'Torres, Raul',
           "Robert C. \\Bobby\\\\", NA, '', '  ', 
           '$12', '12%')
#  confusion in character sets can create
#  names like Names[2]
Name2 <- subNonStandardCharacters(nonstdNames)

# check 
Name2. <- c('Ra_l', 'Ra_', '_l', nonstdNames[4],
            'Robert C. "Bobby"', NA, '', '  ', 
            '$12', '12%')

all.equal(Name2, Name2.)

## 2.  Example from iconv
icx <- c("Ekstr\u{f8}m", "J\u{f6}reskog", 
         "bi\u{df}chen Z\u{fc}rcher")
icx2 <- subNonStandardCharacters(icx)

# check 
icx. <- c('Ekstrom', 'Joreskog', 'bisschen Zurcher')

all.equal(icx2, icx.)

sub for nonstandard names


sub(nonStandardNames[, 1], nonStandardNames[, 2], x)

Accented characters common in non-English languages often get mangled in different ways by different software. For example, the "e" in "Andre" may carry an accent that gets replaced by other characters by different software.

This function first converts "Andr*" to "Andr_" for any character "*" not in standardCharacters. It then looks for "Andr_" in nonStandardNames. By default, it will find that and replace it with "Andre".


  standardCharacters=c(letters, LETTERS, ' ', 
    '.', '?', '!', ',', 0:9,   '/', '*', '$', 
    '%', '\"', "\'", '-', '+', '&', '_', ';', 
    '(', ')', '[', ']', '\n'),
  namesNotFound="attr.replacement", ...)



character vector or matrix or a data.frame of character vectors in which it is desired replace nonStandardNames[, 1] in subNonStandardCharacters(x, ...) with the corresponding element of nonStandardNames[, 2].

standardCharacters, replacement, gsubList, ...

arguments passed to subNonStandardCharacters


logical: If TRUE, delete anything following "\n" and return it as an attribute secondLine.


data.frame or character matrix with two columns: Replace any substring of x matching nonStandardNames[, 1] with the corresponding element of nonStandardNames[, 2]


character vector describing how to treat substitutions not found in nonStandardNames[, 1]:

  • attr.replacement: Return an attribute namesNotFound with grep(replacement, subNonStandardCharacters(...)), if any.

  • attr.notFound: Return an attribute namesNotFound with x != subNonStandardCharacters(...), if any.

  • "print": Print the elements of x notFound per either attr.replacement or attr.notFound, as requested.

  • "": Do not report any notFound elements of x.

NOTE: x = "_" will be identified by attr.replacement but not by attr.notfound assuming the default value for replacement.


1. removeSecondLines

2. x. <- subNonStandardCharacters(x, standardCharacters, replacement, ...)

3. Loop over all rows of nonStandardNames substituting anything matching nonStandardNames[i, 1] with nonStandardNames[i, 2].

4. Eliminate leading and trailing blanks.

5. if(is.matrix(x)) return a matrix; if( return a data.frame(..., stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

NOTE: On 13 May 2013 Jeff Newmiller at the University of California, Davis, wrote, 'I think it is a fools errand to think that you can automatically "normalize" arbitrary Unicode characters to an ASCII form that everyone will agree on.' (This was a reply on [email protected], subject: "Re: [R] Matching names with non-English characters".) Doubtless someone has software to do a better job of this than what this function does, but I've so far been unable to find it in R. If you know of a better solution to this problem, I'd be pleased to hear from you. Spencer Graves


a character vector with all nonStandardCharacters replaced first by replacement and then by the second column of nonStandardNames for any that match the first column. If a secondLine is found on any elements, it is returned as a secondLine attribute.

If any names with nonStandardCharacters are not found in nonStandardNames[, 1], they are identified in an optional attribute per the namesNotFound argument.


Spencer Graves

See Also

sub nonEnglishNames subNonStandardCharacters stripBlanks


## 1.  Example 
tstSNSN <- c('Raul', 'Ra`l', 'Torres,Raul', 
    'Torres, Ra`l', "Robert C. \\Bobby\\\\", 
    'Ed  \n --Vacancy', '', '  ')
#  confusion in character sets can create
#  names like Names[2]
## 2.  subNonStandardNames(vector)
SNS2 <- subNonStandardNames(tstSNSN)

# check 
SNS2. <- c('Raul', 'Raul', 'Torres,Raul', 'Torres, Raul',
            'Robert C. "Bobby"', 'Ed', '', '')
attr(SNS2., 'secondLine') <- c(rep(NA, 5), ' --Vacancy',
        NA, NA)

all.equal(SNS2, SNS2.)

## 3.  subNonStandardNames(matrix)
tstmat <- parseName(tstSNSN, surnameFirst=TRUE)
submat <- subNonStandardNames(tstmat)

# check 
SNSmat <- parseName(SNS2., surnameFirst=TRUE)

all.equal(submat, SNSmat)

## 4.  subNonStandardNames(data.frame)
tstdf <-
subdf <- subNonStandardNames(tstdf)

# check 
SNSdf <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

all.equal(subdf, SNSdf)

## 5.  namesNotFound 
noSub <- subNonStandardNames('xx_x')

# check 
noSub. <- 'xx_x'
attr(noSub., 'namesNotFound') <- 'xx_x'

all.equal(noSub, noSub.)

Trim zero rows or columns from an object of class Image.


Identify rows or columns of a matrix or 3-dimensional array that are all 0 and remove them.


trimImage(x, max2trim=.Machine$double.eps, 
      na.rm=TRUE, returnIndices2Keep=FALSE, 



a numeric matrix or 3-dimensional array or an object with subscripting defined so it acts like such.


a single number indicating the max absolute numeric value to trim.


logical: If TRUE, NAs will be ignored in determining the max absolute value for the row. If a row or column is all NA, it will be treated as all 0 in deciding whether to trim.

If FALSE, any row or column containing an NA will be retained.


if TRUE, return a list with 2 integer vectors giving row and column indices to use in selecting the desired subset of x. This allows an array y to be trimmed to match x.

If FALSE, return the desired trimmed version of x.

If this is a list with two two integer vectors, use them to trim x.


Optional arguments; not currently used.


1. Check arguments: 2 <= length(dim(x)) <= 3? is.logical(na.rm)? returnIndices2Keep = logical or list of 2 integer vectors, all the same sign, not exceeding dim(x)?

2. if(is.list(returnIndices2Keep)) check that returnIndices2Keep is a list with 2 integer vectors, all the same sign, not exceeding dim(x). If yes, return x appropriately subsetted.

3. if(!is.logical(returnIndices2Keep)) throw an error message.

4. Compute indices2Keep.

5. If(returnIndices2Keep) return (indices2Keep) else return x appropriately subsetted.


if(returnIndices2Keep==TRUE) return a list with 2 integer vectors to use as subscripts in trimming objects like x.

Otherwise, return an object like x appropriately trimmed.


Spencer Graves

See Also

trim trims raster images, similar to trimImage.

trimws trims leading and trailing spaces from character strings and factors. Similar trim functions exist in other packages but without obvious, explicit consideration of factors.


## 1.  trim a simple matrix
tst1 <- matrix(.Machine$double.eps, 3, 3,
    dimnames=list(letters[1:3], LETTERS[1:3]))
tst1[2,2] <- 1
tst1t <- trimImage(tst1)

# check
tst1. <- matrix(1, 1, 1,
          dimnames=list(letters[2], LETTERS[2]))

all.equal(tst1t, tst1.)

## 2.  returnIndices2Keep
tst2i <- trimImage(tst1, returnIndices2Keep=TRUE)
tst2a <- trimImage(tst1, returnIndices2Keep=tst2i)

tst2i. <- list(index1=2, index2=2)

# check

all.equal(tst2i, tst2i.)

all.equal(tst2a, tst1.)

## 3.  trim 0's only
tst3 <- array(0, dim=3:5)
tst3[2, 2:3, ] <- 0.5*.Machine$double.eps
tst3[3,,] <- 1

tst3t <- trimImage(tst3, 0)

# check
tst3t. <- tst3[2:3,, ]

# check

all.equal(tst3t, tst3t.)

## 4.  trim NAs
tst4 <- tst1
tst4[1,1] <- NA
tst4[3,] <- NA

tst4t <- trimImage(tst4)
# tst4o == tst4
tst4o <- trimImage(tst4, na.rm=FALSE)

# check

all.equal(tst4t, tst1[2, 2, drop=FALSE])

all.equal(tst4o, tst4)

## 5.  trim all
tst4a <- trimImage(tst1, 1)

tst4a. <- matrix(0,0,0,
     dimnames=list(NULL, NULL))

all.equal(tst4a, tst4a.)

Truncated distribution


The cumulative distribution function for a truncated distribution is 0 for x <= truncmin, 1 for truncmax < x, and in between is as follows:

(pdist(x, ...) - pdist(truncmin, ...)) / (pdist(truncmax, ...) - pdist(truncmin, ...))

The density, quantile, and random number generation functions are similarly defined from this.


dtruncdist(x, ..., dist='norm', truncmin=-Inf, 
ptruncdist(q, ..., dist='norm', truncmin=-Inf, 
qtruncdist(p, ..., dist='norm', truncmin=-Inf, 
rtruncdist(n, ..., dist='norm', truncmin=-Inf, 


x, q

numeric vector of quantiles


numeric vector of probabilities


number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required.


other arguments to be passed to the corresponding function for the indicated dist


Standard R name for the family of functions for the desired distribution. By default, this is norm, so the corresponding function for dtruncdist is dnorm, the corresponding function for ptrunctist is pnorm, etc.

truncmin, truncmax

lower and upper truncation points, respectively.


NOTE: Truncation is different from "censoring", where it's known that an observation lies between certain limits; it's just not known exactly where it lies between those limits.

By contrast, with a truncated distribution, events below truncmin and above truncmax may exist but are not observed. Thus, it's not known how many events occur outside the given range, truncmin to truncmax, if any. Given data believed to come from a truncated distribution, estimating the parameters provide a means of estimating the number of unobserved events, assuming a particular form for their distribution.

1. Setup

dots <- list(...)

2. For dtruncdist, return 0 for all x outside truncmin and truncmax. For all others, compute as follows:

dots$x <- truncmin ddist <- paste0('d', dist) pdist <- paste0('p', dist) p.min <-, dots) dots$x <- truncmax p.max <-, dots) dots$x <- x dx <-, dots)

return(dx / (p.max-p.min))

NOTE: Adjustments must be made if 'log' appears in names(dots)

3. The computations for ptruncdist are similar.

4. The computations for qtruncdist are complementary.

5. For rtruncdist, use qtruncdist(runif(n), ...).


dtruncdist gives the density, ptruncdist gives the distribution function, qtruncdist gives the quantile function, and rtruncdist generates random deviates.

The length of the result is determined by n for rtruncdist and is the maximum of the lengths of the numerical arguments for the other functions.


Spencer Graves

See Also

Distributions Normal


## 1.  dtruncdist
#  1.1.  Normal 
dx <- dtruncdist(1:4)

# check 

all.equal(dx, dnorm(1:4))

#  1.2.  Truncated normal between 0 and 1
dx01 <- dtruncdist(seq(-1, 2, .5), truncmin=0, truncmax=1)

# check 
dx01. <- c(0, 0, 0, dnorm(c(.5, 1))/(pnorm(1)-pnorm(0)), 
           0, 0)

all.equal(dx01, dx01.)

#  1.3.  lognormal meanlog=log(100), sdlog = 2, truncmin=500 
x10 <- 10^(0:9)
dx10 <- dtruncdist(x10, log(100), 2, dist='lnorm', 
# check 
dx10. <- (dtruncdist(log(x10), log(100), 2,  
                    truncmin=log(500)) / x10) 

all.equal(dx10, dx10.)

#  1.4.  log density of the previous example 
dx10log <- dtruncdist(x10, log(100), 2, log=TRUE, 
                  dist='lnorm', truncmin=500)

all.equal(dx10log, log(dx10))

#  1.5.  Poisson without 0.  

dPois0.9 <-dtruncdist(0:9, lambda=1, dist='pois', truncmin=0) 

# check 
dP0.9 <- c(0, dpois(1:9, lambda=1)/ppois(0, lambda=1, lower.tail=FALSE))

all.equal(dPois0.9, dP0.9)

## 2.  ptruncdist
#  2.1.  Normal 
px <- ptruncdist(1:4)

# check 

all.equal(px, pnorm(1:4))

#  2.2.  Truncated normal between 0 and 1 
px01 <- ptruncdist(seq(-1, 2, .5), truncmin=0, truncmax=1)

# check 
px01. <- c(0, 0, (pnorm(c(0, .5, 1)) - pnorm(0))
                     /(pnorm(1)-pnorm(0)), 1, 1)

all.equal(px01, px01.)

#  2.3.  lognormal meanlog=log(100), sdlog = 2, truncmin=500 
x10 <- 10^(0:9)
px10 <- ptruncdist(x10, log(100), 2, dist='lnorm', 
# check 
px10. <- (ptruncdist(log(x10), log(100), 2,  

all.equal(px10, px10.)

#  2.4.  log of the previous probabilities 
px10log <- ptruncdist(x10, log(100), 2, log=TRUE, 
                  dist='lnorm', truncmin=500)

all.equal(px10log, log(px10))

## 3.  qtruncdist
#  3.1.  Normal 
qx <- qtruncdist(seq(0, 1, .2))

# check 

all.equal(qx, qnorm(seq(0, 1, .2)))

#  3.2.  Normal truncated outside (0, 1)
qx01 <- qtruncdist(seq(0, 1, .2), 
            truncmin=0, truncmax=1)

# check 
pxmin <- pnorm(0)
pxmax <- pnorm(1)
unp <- (pxmin + seq(0, 1, .2)*(pxmax-pxmin))
qx01. <- qnorm(unp)

all.equal(qx01, qx01.)

#  3.3.  lognormal meanlog=log(100), 
#             sdlog=2, truncmin=500
qlx10 <- qtruncdist(seq(0, 1, .2), log(100), 2, 
                   dist='lnorm', truncmin=500)
# check 
plxmin <- plnorm(500, log(100), 2)
unp. <- (plxmin + seq(0, 1, .2)*(1-plxmin))

qlx10. <- qlnorm(unp., log(100), 2)

all.equal(qlx10, qlx10.)

#  3.4.  previous example with log probabilities 
qlx10l <- qtruncdist(log(seq(0, 1, .2)), 
      log(100), 2, log.p=TRUE, dist='lnorm',

# check 

all.equal(qlx10, qlx10l)

## 4.  rtruncdist 
#  4.1.  Normal 
rx <- rtruncdist(9)

# check 

all.equal(rx[1], rnorm(1))

# Only the first observation matches;  check that.  

#  4.2.  Normal truncated outside (0, 1)
rx01 <- rtruncdist(9, truncmin=0, truncmax=1)

# check 
pxmin <- pnorm(0)
pxmax <- pnorm(1)
rnp <- (pxmin + runif(9)*(pxmax-pxmin))
rx01. <- qnorm(rnp)

all.equal(rx01, rx01.)

#  4.3.  lognormal meanlog=log(100), sdlog=2, truncmin=500
rlx10 <- rtruncdist(9, log(100), 2, 
                   dist='lnorm', truncmin=500)
# check 
plxmin <- plnorm(500, log(100), 2)
rnp. <- (plxmin + runif(9)*(1-plxmin))

rlx10. <- qlnorm(rnp., log(100), 2)

all.equal(rlx10, rlx10.)

Index of a single match


Return which(A %in% B) if it has length 1; give an error message otherwise.


whichAeqB(A, B, errNoMatch='no match',
                      err2Match='more than one match')



A vector which may have a single match in B.


A vector of possible matches for A.


a character string: error message if no match found.


a character string: error message if multiple matches found.


a single integer giving the index of the match in A.


Spencer Graves

See Also



a2b <- whichAeqB(letters, 'b')

all.equal(a2b, 2)