Package: Ecdat 0.4-2

Ecdat: Data Sets for Econometrics

Data sets for econometrics, including political science.

Authors:Yves Croissant <[email protected]> and Spencer Graves

Ecdat.pdf |Ecdat.html
Ecdat/json (API)

# Install 'Ecdat' in R:
install.packages('Ecdat', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

  • Accident - Ship Accidents
  • AccountantsAuditorsPct - Accountants and Auditors in the US 1850-2016
  • Airline - Cost for U.S. Airlines
  • Airq - Air Quality for Californian Metropolitan Areas
  • Benefits - Unemployment of Blue Collar Workers
  • Bids - Bids Received By U.S. Firms
  • BudgetFood - Budget Share of Food for Spanish Households
  • BudgetItaly - Budget Shares for Italian Households
  • BudgetUK - Budget Shares of British Households
  • Bwages - Wages in Belgium
  • CPSch3 - Earnings from the Current Population Survey
  • CRANpackages - Growth of CRAN
  • CRSPday - Daily Returns from the CRSP Database
  • CRSPmon - Monthly Returns from the CRSP Database
  • Capm - Stock Market Data
  • Car - Stated Preferences for Car Choice
  • Caschool - The California Test Score Data Set
  • Catsup - Choice of Brand for Catsup
  • Cigar - Cigarette Consumption
  • Cigarette - The Cigarette Consumption Panel Data Set
  • Clothing - Sales Data of Men's Fashion Stores
  • Computers - Prices of Personal Computers
  • Consumption - Quarterly Data on Consumption and Expenditure
  • Cracker - Choice of Brand for Crackers
  • Crime - Crime in North Carolina
  • DM - DM Dollar Exchange Rate
  • Diamond - Pricing the C's of Diamond Stones
  • Doctor - Number of Doctor Visits
  • DoctorAUS - Doctor Visits in Australia
  • DoctorContacts - Contacts With Medical Doctor
  • Earnings - Earnings for Three Age Groups
  • Electricity - Cost Function for Electricity Producers
  • Fair - Extramarital Affairs Data
  • Fatality - Drunk Driving Laws and Traffic Deaths
  • FinancialCrisisFiles - Files containing financial crisis data
  • Fishing - Choice of Fishing Mode
  • Forward - Exchange Rates of US Dollar Against Other Currencies
  • FriendFoe - Data from the Television Game Show Friend Or Foe ?
  • Garch - Daily Observations on Exchange Rates of the US Dollar Against Other Currencies
  • Gasoline - Gasoline Consumption
  • Griliches - Wage Data
  • Grunfeld - Grunfeld Investment Data
  • HC - Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California
  • HHSCyberSecurityBreaches - Cybersecurity breaches reported to the US Department of Health and Human Services
  • HI - Health Insurance and Hours Worked By Wives
  • Hdma - The Boston HMDA Data Set
  • Heating - Heating System Choice in California Houses
  • Hedonic - Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in Boston
  • Hmda - The Boston HMDA Data Set
  • Housing - Sales Prices of Houses in the City of Windsor
  • Hstarts - Housing Starts
  • Icecream - Ice Cream Consumption
  • IncomeUK - Seasonally Unadjusted Quarterly Data on Disposable Income and Expenditure
  • Irates - Monthly Interest Rates
  • Journals - Economic Journals Data Set
  • Kakadu - Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Kakadu National Park
  • Ketchup - Choice of Brand for Ketchup
  • Klein - Klein's Model I
  • LT - Dollar Sterling Exchange Rate
  • LaborSupply - Wages and Hours Worked
  • Labour - Belgian Firms
  • Longley - The Longley Data
  • MCAS - The Massachusetts Test Score Data Set
  • MW - Growth of Disposable Income and Treasury Bill Rate
  • Macrodat - Macroeconomic Time Series for the United States
  • Males - Wages and Education of Young Males
  • ManufCost - Manufacturing Costs
  • Mathlevel - Level of Calculus Attained for Students Taking Advanced Micro-economics
  • MedExp - Structure of Demand for Medical Care
  • Metal - Production for SIC 33
  • Mishkin - Inflation and Interest Rates
  • Mode - Mode Choice
  • ModeChoice - Data to Study Travel Mode Choice
  • Mofa - International Expansion of U.S. MOFAs
  • Money - Money, GDP and Interest Rate in Canada
  • MoneyUS - Macroeconomic Series for the United States
  • Mpyr - Money, National Product and Interest Rate
  • Mroz - Labor Supply Data
  • MunExp - Municipal Expenditure Data
  • NaturalPark - Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Alentejo Natural Park
  • Nerlove - Cost Function for Electricity Producers, 1955
  • OCC1950 - Evolution of occupational distribution in the US
  • OFP - Visits to Physician Office
  • Oil - Oil Investment
  • Orange - The Orange Juice Data Set
  • PE - Price and Earnings Index
  • PPP - Exchange Rates and Price Indices for France and Italy
  • PSID - Panel Survey of Income Dynamics
  • Participation - Labor Force Participation
  • PatentsHGH - Dynamic Relation Between Patents and R&D
  • PatentsRD - Patents, R&D and Technological Spillovers for a Panel of Firms
  • Pound - Pound-dollar Exchange Rate
  • Pricing - Returns of Size-based Portfolios
  • Produc - Us States Production
  • RetSchool - Return to Schooling
  • SP500 - Returns on Standard & Poor's 500 Index
  • Schooling - Wages and Schooling
  • Solow - Solow's Technological Change Data
  • Somerville - Visits to Lake Somerville
  • Star - Effects on Learning of Small Class Sizes
  • Strike - Strike Duration Data
  • StrikeDur - Strikes Duration
  • StrikeNb - Number of Strikes in Us Manufacturing
  • SumHes - The Penn Table
  • Tbrate - Interest Rate, GDP and Inflation
  • Tobacco - Households Tobacco Budget Share
  • Train - Stated Preferences for Train Traveling
  • TranspEq - Statewide Data on Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
  • Treatment - Evaluating Treatment Effect of Training on Earnings
  • Tuna - Choice of Brand for Tuna
  • USFinanceIndustry - US Finance Industry Profits
  • USGDPpresidents - US GDP per capita with presidents and wars
  • USPS - US Postal Service
  • USclassifiedDocuments - Official Secrecy of the United States Government
  • USincarcerations - US incarcerations 1925 onward
  • USnewspapers - US newspaper revenue 1956 - 2020
  • USstateAbbreviations - Standard abbreviations for states of the United States
  • UStaxWords - Number of Words in US Tax Law
  • UnempDur - Unemployment Duration
  • Unemployment - Unemployment Duration
  • University - Provision of University Teaching and Research
  • VietNamH - Medical Expenses in Vietnam
  • VietNamI - Medical Expenses in Vietnam
  • Wages - Panel Data of Individual Wages
  • Wages1 - Wages, Experience and Schooling
  • Workinghours - Wife Working Hours
  • Yen - Yen-dollar Exchange Rate
  • Yogurt - Choice of Brand for Yogurts
  • bankingCrises - Countries in Banking Crises
  • breaches - Cyber Security Breaches
  • coolingFromNuclearWar - Global cooling from a nuclear war
  • incidents.byCountryYr - Global Terrorism Database yearly summaries
  • incomeInequality - Income Inequality in the US
  • nkill.byCountryYr - Global Terrorism Database yearly summaries
  • nonEnglishNames - Names with Character Set Problems
  • nuclearWeaponStates - Nations with nuclear weapons
  • politicalKnowledge - Political knowledge in the US and Europe
  • terrorism - Global Terrorism Database yearly summaries


0 exports 1 stars 1.69 score 70 dependencies 3 dependents 744 scripts 4.0k downloads

Last updated 1 years agofrom:5982c446a1. Checks:OK: 3 NOTE: 4. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 28 2024
R-4.5-winNOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.4-winNOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.4-macNOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.3-winOKAug 28 2024
R-4.3-macOKAug 28 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Ship AccidentsAccident
Accountants and Auditors in the US 1850-2016AccountantsAuditorsPct
Cost for U.S. AirlinesAirline
Air Quality for Californian Metropolitan AreasAirq
Countries in Banking CrisesbankingCrises
Unemployment of Blue Collar WorkersBenefits
Bids Received By U.S. FirmsBids
Cyber Security Breachesbreaches
Budget Share of Food for Spanish HouseholdsBudgetFood
Budget Shares for Italian HouseholdsBudgetItaly
Budget Shares of British HouseholdsBudgetUK
Wages in BelgiumBwages
Stock Market DataCapm
Stated Preferences for Car ChoiceCar
The California Test Score Data SetCaschool
Choice of Brand for CatsupCatsup
Cigarette ConsumptionCigar
The Cigarette Consumption Panel Data SetCigarette
Sales Data of Men's Fashion StoresClothing
Prices of Personal ComputersComputers
Quarterly Data on Consumption and ExpenditureConsumption
Global cooling from a nuclear warcoolingFromNuclearWar
Earnings from the Current Population SurveyCPSch3
Choice of Brand for CrackersCracker
Growth of CRANCRANpackages
Crime in North CarolinaCrime
Daily Returns from the CRSP DatabaseCRSPday
Monthly Returns from the CRSP DatabaseCRSPmon
Pricing the C's of Diamond StonesDiamond
DM Dollar Exchange RateDM
Number of Doctor VisitsDoctor
Doctor Visits in AustraliaDoctorAUS
Contacts With Medical DoctorDoctorContacts
Earnings for Three Age GroupsEarnings
Cost Function for Electricity ProducersElectricity
Extramarital Affairs DataFair
Drunk Driving Laws and Traffic DeathsFatality
Files containing financial crisis dataFinancialCrisisFiles
Choice of Fishing ModeFishing
Exchange Rates of US Dollar Against Other CurrenciesForward
Data from the Television Game Show Friend Or Foe ?FriendFoe
Daily Observations on Exchange Rates of the US Dollar Against Other CurrenciesGarch
Gasoline ConsumptionGasoline
Wage DataGriliches
Grunfeld Investment DataGrunfeld
Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in CaliforniaHC
Heating System Choice in California HousesHeating
Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in BostonHedonic
Cybersecurity breaches reported to the US Department of Health and Human ServicesHHSCyberSecurityBreaches
Health Insurance and Hours Worked By WivesHI
The Boston HMDA Data SetHdma Hmda
Sales Prices of Houses in the City of WindsorHousing
Housing StartsHstarts
Ice Cream ConsumptionIcecream
Income Inequality in the USincomeInequality
Seasonally Unadjusted Quarterly Data on Disposable Income and ExpenditureIncomeUK
Econometric fieldsIndex.Econometrics
Economic fieldsIndex.Economics
Time SeriesIndex.Time.Series
Monthly Interest RatesIrates
Economic Journals Data SetJournals
Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Kakadu National ParkKakadu
Choice of Brand for KetchupKetchup
Klein's Model IKlein
Wages and Hours WorkedLaborSupply
Belgian FirmsLabour
The Longley DataLongley
Dollar Sterling Exchange RateLT
Macroeconomic Time Series for the United StatesMacrodat
Wages and Education of Young MalesMales
Manufacturing CostsManufCost
Level of Calculus Attained for Students Taking Advanced Micro-economicsMathlevel
The Massachusetts Test Score Data SetMCAS
Structure of Demand for Medical CareMedExp
Production for SIC 33Metal
Inflation and Interest RatesMishkin
Mode ChoiceMode
Data to Study Travel Mode ChoiceModeChoice
International Expansion of U.S. MOFAs (majority-owned Foreign Affiliates in Fire (finance, Insurance and Real Estate)Mofa
Money, GDP and Interest Rate in CanadaMoney
Macroeconomic Series for the United StatesMoneyUS
Money, National Product and Interest RateMpyr
Labor Supply DataMroz
Municipal Expenditure DataMunExp
Growth of Disposable Income and Treasury Bill RateMW
Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Alentejo Natural ParkNaturalPark
Cost Function for Electricity Producers, 1955Nerlove
Names with Character Set ProblemsnonEnglishNames
Nations with nuclear weaponsnuclearWeaponStates
Evolution of occupational distribution in the USOCC1950
Visits to Physician OfficeOFP
Oil InvestmentOil
The Orange Juice Data SetOrange
Labor Force ParticipationParticipation
Dynamic Relation Between Patents and R&DPatentsHGH
Patents, R&D and Technological Spillovers for a Panel of FirmsPatentsRD
Price and Earnings IndexPE
Political knowledge in the US and EuropepoliticalKnowledge
Pound-dollar Exchange RatePound
Exchange Rates and Price Indices for France and ItalyPPP
Returns of Size-based PortfoliosPricing
Us States ProductionProduc
Panel Survey of Income DynamicsPSID
Return to SchoolingRetSchool
Wages and SchoolingSchooling
Solow's Technological Change DataSolow
Visits to Lake SomervilleSomerville
Returns on Standard & Poor's 500 IndexSP500
Effects on Learning of Small Class SizesStar
Strike Duration DataStrike
Strikes DurationStrikeDur
Number of Strikes in Us ManufacturingStrikeNb
The Penn TableSumHes
Interest Rate, GDP and InflationTbrate
Global Terrorism Database yearly summariesincidents.byCountryYr nkill.byCountryYr terrorism
Households Tobacco Budget ShareTobacco
Stated Preferences for Train TravelingTrain
Statewide Data on Transportation Equipment ManufacturingTranspEq
Evaluating Treatment Effect of Training on EarningsTreatment
Choice of Brand for TunaTuna
Unemployment DurationUnempDur
Unemployment DurationUnemployment
Provision of University Teaching and ResearchUniversity
Official Secrecy of the United States GovernmentUSclassifiedDocuments
US Finance Industry ProfitsUSFinanceIndustry
US GDP per capita with presidents and warsUSGDPpresidents
US incarcerations 1925 onwardUSincarcerations
US newspaper revenue 1956 - 2020USnewspapers
US Postal ServiceUSPS
Standard abbreviations for states of the United StatesUSstateAbbreviations
Number of Words in US Tax LawUStaxWords
Medical Expenses in Vietnam (household Level)VietNamH
Medical Expenses in Vietnam (individual Level)VietNamI
Panel Data of Individual WagesWages
Wages, Experience and SchoolingWages1
Wife Working HoursWorkinghours
Yen-dollar Exchange RateYen
Choice of Brand for YogurtsYogurt