Package: Ecdat 0.4-3
Ecdat: Data Sets for Econometrics
Data sets for econometrics, including political science.
Ecdat.pdf |Ecdat.html✨
Ecdat/json (API)
# Install 'Ecdat' in R: |
install.packages('Ecdat', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- ACLEDpopGDP - ACLED countries and codes with population and GDP
- Accident - Ship Accidents
- AccountantsAuditorsPct - Accountants and Auditors in the US 1850-2016
- Airline - Cost for U.S. Airlines
- Airq - Air Quality for Californian Metropolitan Areas
- Benefits - Unemployment of Blue Collar Workers
- Bids - Bids Received By U.S. Firms
- BudgetFood - Budget Share of Food for Spanish Households
- BudgetItaly - Budget Shares for Italian Households
- BudgetUK - Budget Shares of British Households
- Bwages - Wages in Belgium
- CPSch3 - Earnings from the Current Population Survey
- CRANpackages - Growth of CRAN
- CRSPday - Daily Returns from the CRSP Database
- CRSPmon - Monthly Returns from the CRSP Database
- Capm - Stock Market Data
- Car - Stated Preferences for Car Choice
- Caschool - The California Test Score Data Set
- Catsup - Choice of Brand for Catsup
- Cigar - Cigarette Consumption
- Cigarette - The Cigarette Consumption Panel Data Set
- Clothing - Sales Data of Men's Fashion Stores
- Computers - Prices of Personal Computers
- Consumption - Quarterly Data on Consumption and Expenditure
- Cracker - Choice of Brand for Crackers
- Crime - Crime in North Carolina
- DM - DM Dollar Exchange Rate
- Diamond - Pricing the C's of Diamond Stones
- Doctor - Number of Doctor Visits
- DoctorAUS - Doctor Visits in Australia
- DoctorContacts - Contacts With Medical Doctor
- Earnings - Earnings for Three Age Groups
- Electricity - Cost Function for Electricity Producers
- Fair - Extramarital Affairs Data
- Fatality - Drunk Driving Laws and Traffic Deaths
- FinancialCrisisFiles - Files containing financial crisis data
- Fishing - Choice of Fishing Mode
- Forward - Exchange Rates of US Dollar Against Other Currencies
- FriendFoe - Data from the Television Game Show Friend Or Foe ?
- Garch - Daily Observations on Exchange Rates of the US Dollar Against Other Currencies
- Gasoline - Gasoline Consumption
- Griliches - Wage Data
- Grunfeld - Grunfeld Investment Data
- HC - Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California
- HHSCyberSecurityBreaches - Cybersecurity breaches reported to the US Department of Health and Human Services
- HI - Health Insurance and Hours Worked By Wives
- Hdma - The Boston HMDA Data Set
- Heating - Heating System Choice in California Houses
- Hedonic - Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in Boston
- Hmda - The Boston HMDA Data Set
- Housing - Sales Prices of Houses in the City of Windsor
- Hstarts - Housing Starts
- Icecream - Ice Cream Consumption
- IncomeUK - Seasonally Unadjusted Quarterly Data on Disposable Income and Expenditure
- Irates - Monthly Interest Rates
- Journals - Economic Journals Data Set
- Kakadu - Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Kakadu National Park
- Ketchup - Choice of Brand for Ketchup
- Klein - Klein's Model I
- LT - Dollar Sterling Exchange Rate
- LaborSupply - Wages and Hours Worked
- Labour - Belgian Firms
- Longley - The Longley Data
- MCAS - The Massachusetts Test Score Data Set
- MW - Growth of Disposable Income and Treasury Bill Rate
- Macrodat - Macroeconomic Time Series for the United States
- Males - Wages and Education of Young Males
- ManufCost - Manufacturing Costs
- Mathlevel - Level of Calculus Attained for Students Taking Advanced Micro-economics
- MedExp - Structure of Demand for Medical Care
- Metal - Production for SIC 33
- Mishkin - Inflation and Interest Rates
- Mode - Mode Choice
- ModeChoice - Data to Study Travel Mode Choice
- Mofa - International Expansion of U.S. MOFAs
- Money - Money, GDP and Interest Rate in Canada
- MoneyUS - Macroeconomic Series for the United States
- Mpyr - Money, National Product and Interest Rate
- Mroz - Labor Supply Data
- MunExp - Municipal Expenditure Data
- NaturalPark - Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Alentejo Natural Park
- Nerlove - Cost Function for Electricity Producers, 1955
- OCC1950 - Evolution of occupational distribution in the US
- OFP - Visits to Physician Office
- Oil - Oil Investment
- Orange - The Orange Juice Data Set
- PE - Price and Earnings Index
- PPP - Exchange Rates and Price Indices for France and Italy
- PSID - Panel Survey of Income Dynamics
- Participation - Labor Force Participation
- PatentsHGH - Dynamic Relation Between Patents and R&D
- PatentsRD - Patents, R&D and Technological Spillovers for a Panel of Firms
- Pound - Pound-dollar Exchange Rate
- Pricing - Returns of Size-based Portfolios
- Produc - Us States Production
- RetSchool - Return to Schooling
- SP500 - Returns on Standard & Poor's 500 Index
- Schooling - Wages and Schooling
- Solow - Solow's Technological Change Data
- Somerville - Visits to Lake Somerville
- Star - Effects on Learning of Small Class Sizes
- Strike - Strike Duration Data
- StrikeDur - Strikes Duration
- StrikeNb - Number of Strikes in Us Manufacturing
- SumHes - The Penn Table
- Tbrate - Interest Rate, GDP and Inflation
- Tobacco - Households Tobacco Budget Share
- Train - Stated Preferences for Train Traveling
- TranspEq - Statewide Data on Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
- Treatment - Evaluating Treatment Effect of Training on Earnings
- Tuna - Choice of Brand for Tuna
- USFinanceIndustry - US Finance Industry Profits
- USGDPpresidents - US GDP per capita with presidents and wars
- USPS - US Postal Service
- USclassifiedDocuments - Official Secrecy of the United States Government
- USincarcerations - US incarcerations 1925 onward
- USnewspapers - US newspaper revenue 1956 - 2020
- USstateAbbreviations - Standard abbreviations for states of the United States
- UStaxWords - Number of Words in US Tax Law
- UnempDur - Unemployment Duration
- Unemployment - Unemployment Duration
- University - Provision of University Teaching and Research
- VietNamH - Medical Expenses in Vietnam
- VietNamI - Medical Expenses in Vietnam
- Wages - Panel Data of Individual Wages
- Wages1 - Wages, Experience and Schooling
- Workinghours - Wife Working Hours
- Yen - Yen-dollar Exchange Rate
- Yogurt - Choice of Brand for Yogurts
- bankingCrises - Countries in Banking Crises
- breaches - Cyber Security Breaches
- coolingFromNuclearWar - Global cooling from a nuclear war
- incidents.byCountryYr - Global Terrorism Database yearly summaries
- incomeInequality - Income Inequality in the US
- nkill.byCountryYr - Global Terrorism Database yearly summaries
- nonEnglishNames - Names with Character Set Problems
- nuclearWeaponStates - Nations with nuclear weapons
- politicalKnowledge - Political knowledge in the US and Europe
- terrorism - Global Terrorism Database yearly summaries
Last updated 3 months agofrom:3ece0d61c1. Checks:1 OK, 7 ERROR. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 01 2025 |
R-4.5-win | ERROR | Mar 01 2025 |
R-4.5-mac | ERROR | Mar 01 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | ERROR | Mar 01 2025 |
R-4.4-win | ERROR | Mar 01 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | ERROR | Mar 01 2025 |
R-4.3-win | ERROR | Mar 01 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | ERROR | Mar 01 2025 |